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Harry carried me to the car because I wouldn't let go of him. The whole car ride I slept because I was so worn out from fighting so much and to add the fact I had a panic attack too. Harry woke me up when we got back to the building, I didn't want to leave his side until we got into the house. This time something felt different, compared to the Casino because it wasn't a personal threat to me. it was to everyone, but I had been taken from a house that I was meant to feel safe in because I was with someone so powerful. Then seeing a man get shot right next to me, and then Zayn running away. Even though someone got shot from behind me when we did the trade. This time its not settling right with me. 

Harry unlocked the door and let me go inside first, before coming in and locking it behind him. I head straight to the kitchen to grab a drink, The first thing i see is water all over the floor from where I had chucked it to defend myself. i sigh and grab the mop from the corner of the room. I start cleaning up the mess that I had created earlier today.

"What are you doing?" Harrys voice comes from behind me, I jump and turn around to see him stood in the doorway with his arm leant against the wood. 

"Please can you stop doing that and I'm cleaning up the mess from today." I stand with my hand on my hip while looking down at the water The mop in my other hand. He then comes further into the kitchen and takes the mop from me. 

"No, I don't think so. Go get a shower." He tells me

"It's fine honestly harry." I go to grab it out of his hands but he pulls it away from my reach.

"Nuh huh. Go get one now, you smell." He half-smiles while pointing at me, I roll my eyes and groan before leaving to go upstairs. I grab a fresh towel from the cupboard in the hallway. 

After standing under the shower for twenty minutes I decide to get out. i stand in the bathroom mirror, I lean over and wipe the condensation away. I stare at my face, It seems so sad and sleep-deprived. My brown hair slicked by the water, I quickly turn my attention away from myself and brush my teeth and go back to my room. I pick out some fluffy pyjamas along with some matching fuzzy socks, I dry my hair a little before brushing through it and leaving it to air dry by itself. 

I head downstairs to see Harry on his phone in the living room on the couch, I go in and sit on the other side to him. A large pizza sits in the middle of the coffee table. I sit down and pull my knees up to my chin and stare off into the abyss. 

"Is that any better?" harry questions, I look over to him and blink a few times to make myself come back to reality. 

"Yeah." I say before placing my head on my legs and closing my eyes. 

"Do you want some pizza?" He asks, I keep my eyes closed but shake my head in response. he doesn't say anything else, my ears ring slightly from the silence in the room. 

"So, I have something for you." He begins again, I open my eyes and pull my head up to look at him. He pulls another phone from his pocket and chucks it over to me. I pick it up and turn it on. The time flashes up into my face. I could feel a grin creep up onto my face as I look at it. 

"Why?" I ask while flicking my eyes between me and the phone. He stays silent for a moment.

"Well to keep you safe I guess. Mine, Niall, Liam and Louis numbers are on it. But you cant ring or message anyone else." he tells me, I nod and stare at the screen. 

"Thank you Harry." I smile before getting up from my seat and going over to him, I quickly straddle his thighs and hug him. We have hugged a lot today, I don't know why. i guess I'm just in a hugging mood. i get off his legs and stand in front of him with the phone in my grip. "Um. Sorry, I'm going to head up to bed." i make a quick excuse and rush away before he can say anything to me. I go to my room and get into bed. 

I feel like I've been tossing and turning for eternity. My mind won't slow down or shut off, every time i close my eyes images of the bodyguard laying dead on the floor or seeing zayn stood in front of me in the house flicker through my mind. I roll over to the nightstand and grab my phone. The brightness of the phone makes me squint, I look at the time and huff. 2:45 AM. Without thinking, I message Harry:

'Are you awake?'

I stare at the screen while biting my nails.


'I cant sleep. Can you?'


I can see Harry is very much a one-word texter. i sigh and turn off my phone. He clearly doesn't want to talk i guess. I stare at the perfect white ceiling in the dark. Until I hear my phone buzz. I peer to see a message from Harry.

'Come to my room.'


Okayyyy. What's with Mya today? She's all over Hazza. Anyway, i guess you will have to wait and find out.

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