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I was in the kitchen washing dishes and drying them as one of my daily chores that Harry started to give me again. I guess after me been in a coma for a week the boys didn't clean up after themselves because I've been non stop all day cleaning, scrubbing, washing. I was exhausted but happy that I am feeling well enough to be able to do chores and to be able to walk around, compared to yesterday when I could hardly move. Today, I had decided to make an effort too I have plaited my hair into two french braids and put on a baby pink skirt with a white button-up shirt. After, Finally finishing washing up all of the plates and cups from the past week I head upstairs to grab all of Harrys dirty washing, His room was a complete dumping ground: clothes, plates, and leftover takeaway boxes scatter his room along with his bedsheets not only been unmade but having random and questionable stains on them.

I pick up all of his clothes off the floor, with all the mess my natural instinct is to look under his bed. So i get onto the floor and peer my head under his large bed. Sure enough, black jeans and a shirt is hidden under here, but so is something else. I stare at the black lump under his bed for a good minute until i make a quick decision to reach under the bed and grab it. In one swift motion, i am able to retrieve it. My heart starts to race a little faster as the bag is heavier than i thought it was going to be. Once out in the open i able to see that it is a black duffel bag, i dare to open it because i have no idea what will be inside, what if its body parts, drugs, cash? My fingers shake a little as i reach to grab the zipper on the bag. I slowly start open the bag. My heart racing.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice makes me jump and immediately push the bag back under the bed. Im in deep shit if Harry knows I've been snooping through his things.

"I was just grabbing some of your dirty washing from under your bed." I show him the dirty clothing that i retrieved earlier, trying to cover my tracks.

"I call bullshit. What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Harry starts to walk towards me,I stand up quickly and notice his hands are clenched down by his sides , and his eyes glued to mine. He walks right up to me, leaving only a meter of space between us. I look up into his eyes, i can see the rage starting to boil up behind the windows of his non-existent soul.

"I was getting washing Harry. You clearly haven't done any." I look around the room at all of the mess on the floor. I could feel my hands starting to become clammy and my head becoming lighter.

"Liar! You are snooping through my things you little bitch! Who do you think you are? What was you looking through?!" He yells in my face, his veins popping out of his neck more and more.

"Harry i wasn't going through your things. I- I wouldn't even know what to look for." I reply in a slightly shaky voice. " Just calm down," I say, harrys face scrunches up into a deeper frown, he instantly grabs me by my neck, I gasp at the impact. His hands grasp around my windpipe making it a little harder to breathe but not impossible.

"Me? Calm down, You are the one fucking going through my stuff you little whore! I swear to fucking god if you step foot back into here without my permission i will fucking end your life. Got it?" His voice becomes deeper in aggression. Too afraid to say anything else i nod.

"I said have you fucking got it?!" He shouts in my face again, making me jump.

"Yes. Yes i got it harry." I whimper in fear. He lets go of my neck and i place my hand over where the area it was to soothe the pain, I quickly brush past him and head towards the door.

"Oh , and we are going out tonight with the boys. You cant say no because you are going to be my date." He says as i leave the room. I dont want to spend another minute with Harry today, especially now after he has just strangled me, but i will be dead by the end of the night if i dont go with him. I go to my room and head to my closet to grab a change of clothes.

As i come back out of the closet with a jumpsuit and some matching heels , I see Harry is laid on my bed. Confused, on why he is in my room when only a minute ago he was screaming at me to stay out of his room. I watch him as He lays on my bed , on his phone like he just hadn't been strangling me two minutes ago.

"Is everything okay?" I clear my voice, Harry raises his head to look at me.

"What was you doing in my room, princess?" He asks me again, In a calmer tone.

"Please, can we just drop it. I dont want it to be awkward tonight." I reply in a confident tone.

"Okay then. I guess you dont want to know what is in that duffel bag after all." He stands up and grabs the same bag that was under his bed off the floor and heads towards the door. I watch him , if i dont ask him whats inside i will have to go snooping again and risk him finding out, but if i do ask it will confirm that i was snooping in the first place.

"Wait. Harry." I announce. Harry turns his head to look at me.

"What?" He replies

"Whats in the bag?" I sigh. Harry instantly laughs before becoming serious again and walking towards me until he comes face to face with me.

"Inside this bag sweetheart. Is 3 million dollars in cash and 3 bricks of coke." He tells me with a straight face. Harry leans in closer to me , only leaving a small gap between our faces.

"And dont lie to me ever. Again." His voice deep and slightly raspy, he turns back around and heads for the door again. " Oh and that jumpsuit is sexy too." he says before opening the door, his back facing me. Once he leaves my room i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.


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