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'You're in for a treat though' 


I can see, tell and have realised that Harry has never really shown anyone love or affection for anyone his entire life. Im not sure what caused him to be such a cold-hearted man. But all i know is that this man has me head over heels for him and i hardly know him. Which is kind of scary on my behalf. He did kidnap me so all I could know is that he's a serial killer like that guy off that Netflix series 'The night stalker', he is definitely hot i will tell you that. Or he might be like joe off you. Or maybe i have been watching too much Netflix. 

My thoughts are disrupted by the elevator coming to a stop on my floor, stepping out i feel Harry right behind me. Almost standing on the back of my heels, like it's not already difficult to walk in them in the first place. "What are you doing Harry?" I make eye contact with him as we walk down the hall. 

His eyes capture every detail of my skin before he sucks in a quick breath along with a simple shrug. "Wanna make sure you get to your room alright." I took a couple of quizzes a few years ago on how to tell when someone is lying through facial expressions and this sure looks like a liar whos been caught red-handed. I feel super cool knowing that hes lying and he doesn't know that i know hes lying. Im almost like a superhero, id definitely be spider-man for sure. Sling webs out of my wrist and be cool as fuck at the same time. 

"Mya?" Once again Harry disrupts my train of thought as he stares at me like I'm some sort of freak show. Sorry, i look like a fucking potato half of the time. Honest to god knock me the fuck out. "Your looking at me weird." He squints his eyes at me a little. 

"If you could choose which superhero would you be?" I don't care what he has to say, i want the answer to my question. 

I hear a deep cackle of laughter come from Harry as we walk side by side. "Oh sweetheart i wouldn't be any superhero. I would be a villain." Oh of fucking course he would want to be a villain, Well if I'm been honest myself i didn't think that i would be a villain, I always thought i would be the one to save the day. But i guess that's the difference between me and Harry we always see things from a different perspective. 

"Why would you want to be a villain when you can be a superhero? You know like save people." We get to my hotel room door, the little light on my door turning green as i swipe my keycard through it while harry stands behind me in silence. I go into my room and place my bag onto the bed as i slide off my heels, my feet feeling all cut up and sore from been in them all day. I have the feeling that someone is staring at me so i turn around to see Harry stood over by the bathroom looking like a creep as he rocks on his heels slightly with his hands in his pockets. 

"You alright over there?" I chuckle a little as i glance at him for a second before opening up my suitcase and looking for something to get changed into. 

"Why did you get that blondie to come on stage tonight?" I knew he was going to ask me that. Well, actually Harry i invited her on stage with the thought in mind that she would want to give Niall a lap dance, not you.

"For fun." Im not telling Harry the truth. Id rather snort a line of  fucking salt than tell him. 

The room goes silent a second before i see Harry appear from the side of me as he sits down on the bed, his tattoos poking out from his shirt, his eyes fixated on me as he eyes my body up and down. "Well your not mad at me are you?" 

Well Harry i am mad. Im mad at the fact that little hoe bag dry humped you when i told her not to and I'm also mad at the fact i practically don't even know who u are and I'm so in love with you. I look up at him through my lashes. "No Harry. There's nothing serious going on in between me and you so why should i care?" I watch as a glimpse of confusion, sadness and fear flash in his eyes before i see him tense his shoulders and start to build that metaphorical wall back up.

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