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I hate sharing a bed with someone. Everything becomes all hot and sweaty and the bedsheets start to stick to you, and you cant cool down no matter what. I can't fucking stand that shit. Id rather have my own space, my own bed, my own sheets and to be able to feel my arm. But i couldn't leave her there. All alone by herself, what if something happened? What if z came back to finish what he started? What if she woke up and i wasn't there and she started to freak out. Ive noticed she tries to hide away when she goes all shaky and weird. But she's like this a lot. All scared and worried, apart from when we went to the mall with Niall. She seemed so happy then. Was it Niall? Does she like him? Well, she's laid in my bed , cuddled up to me. Unless she feels like she has no other choice? Fuck what is going on? Why am i so concerned about a girl that i shouldn't even be giving the time of day? Why are my feelings feeling like this? I hate women and how they whine and groan over every little thing and how they get all attached to you and shit, id rather fuck the bitch and then dip. But when Mya does it, fuck i can't get enough of it. But i see the way she looks at Niall. Complementing his boring outfit. The way her eyes can't get enough of him. Does she look at me like that? Does she think the same thing as me. Holy shit does she smell good too, even her natural scent can send me into overload, the way she dresses and the way her hair blows in the wind. The way she is just herself just makes me want to fuck her senseless. But, Id hate to be the one to take her innocence away from her. 

 My train of shitty thoughts is interrupted when I notice that she has started to squirm next to me. I look away from the ceiling and to her. She even looks so beautiful in her sleep. Her eyebrows are knitted together with distress it seems, causing her whole face to scrunch up slightly. I watch in awe as her body starts to stir, fidgeting more and more. Is she alright? Is she having a nightmare? half of her face illuminates a little from the lamp being on and my body blocking the other half. My heart drops a little when i see a single tear fall from her restless face. It trickles down the side and onto her ear. I kind of feel bad for her. I feel completely helpless. I lean over slightly to my bedside table and pick up my phone to check the time. I freeze in my spot when i hear her say something. Has she woken herself up from her own dream?

"Mom... Its me..." Her voice is so broken and quiet. Her breath shudders. 

"Mom.... Im okay. Im right here." Her voice calls out no louder than a whisper shout. I need to wake her up. I slide my numb arm from under her sweaty body and grab her shoulder before taking the pad of my thumb to wipe away her tears. 

"Mya." I say quietly so i don't startle her awake. Another tear falls from her long eyelashes. "Mya." I say again, her breath starting to shudder more and is all choppy.  Is she having a panic attack thing? 

"Mya." I say loud enough to completely wake her up. I jump a little as she suddenly sits up. Gasping for air. Her eyes dart back to look at mine, I can see her waterline is filled. A single tear falls from her eyes. Until she throws her whole body onto me while sobbing her heart out, arms gripped around my body. Exactly like the day she was taken.


Okayyy. So whats with Harry ??

Hold tight for the next chapter. Its going to get all hot and bothered ;)

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