Chapter 143

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June 2021
„Knock, knock." Harry sing-songed, a three year old Avery on his hip as he pushed the heavy wooden door to my hospital room open.

I was so happy that she could finally meet her baby brother and we could spend some time alone as a new family of four.

Avery was looking around curiously.

„Are you ready to meet your brother?" Harry rounded the corner to find me sitting up in bed, Arlo sleeping in my arms, looking a little pale and worn out. My hair was tied up in a messy bun, but my eyes lit up as soon as I saw them, a smile spreading across my lips.

„Hi, lovely!" I cooed, a little raspy from the tiredness. „Come here, come see mummy and your brother."

Harry crossed the room, setting Avery down on the bed.

„Be very careful, love." Harry warned gently.

Avery scooted forward a little closer on her hands and knees. „Hi, mummy." She said cheerfully.

I smiled. „Hi, precious." I said, cupping her cheek in my hand. „Come meet your brother." I tugged back Arlo's blanket, so she could see him better, holding him a little closer to her.

She studied Arlo carefully, looking between me and him.

„This is Arlo." I whispered, gesturing to the baby cradled in my arm.

„He is little." She acknowledged, looking up at me.

I nodded. „Yes, he is. You were that little too."

Avery's eyes lit up. „I love him." She said. „Can I give him kisses?"

I looked over at Harry, who was grinning proudly at her.

„Of course you can." I promised, holding Arlo out towards her and she leaned forward slowly to press her tiny lips on his forehead.

„Aww, that's very sweet, baby. You're his big sister. Do you wanna hold him?"

Avery's eyes widened and she nodded quickly, looking back at Harry.

Harry smiled. „Here, sweetheart, daddy will help you." He sat down next to me on the bed, pulling Avery onto his lap, wrapping his strong arms around her so he could help support the baby. I passed Arlo off to her, the baby squeaking a little in protest and Harry got him situated in their layered arms.

„What do you think, my love?" He whispered, watching her looking over her brother. He kissed the top of her head. „Should we keep him?" He glanced up at me with a smirk. I snuggled back against the pillows watching the two of them fondly.

Avery nodded, looking back at him. „Do we get to keep him forever?"

Harry smiled. „Forever and ever."

„I like being a big sister." She said quietly, pressing more kisses on Arlo's cheeks. Arlo stirred a little, stretching against the blanket he was swaddled in as Harry reached to adjust the brim of his knit hat gently.

Avery, noticing Arlo rousing from sleep a little and quickly kissed his forehead, patting her small hands against the blanket in an attempt to soothe him.

„Don't wake up, Arlo." She told him in a low whisper, her three year old lisp catching on her lips. „I'm holding you."

I felt my cheeks growing damp with tears as I watched our little girl with her brother. I looked over at Harry whose eyes had also gone red and misty. He kissed her cheek, before leaning over to kiss mine as I held onto his knee affectionately, giving it a squeeze. We both felt our hearts swell with adoration as we watched Avery cuddle her brother, amazed at how much she loved him already. And in that moment we realized just how truly fortunate we were to have our little family Harry was holding in his arms. We couldn't have asked for anything better. We stayed like that for a few minutes until Avery's arms couldn't hold Arlo anymore and she gave him to her dad.

„I love you, mama." She crawled up to me and laid down next to me, burying her head in the crook of my arm.

„I love you more, Aves." I pressed a kiss on her head and looked up at Harry who was holding Arlo and smiling at me.

I smiled back. „Haz?"

„Yes, my love?" He looked at me with those beautiful, green and sparkly eyes.

„Thank you for making me a mother." I said with a tear slipping down my cheek.

He smiled at me for a few seconds before he started to talk. „I thank you for making me a dad."

I reached out to slip my hand in his. „You and the kids are truly the best thing that ever happened to me and my life." I told him.

„I can only agree." He leaned forward and pressed his lips on mine, making me feel the fireworks. „I love you so much."

„I love you too, Harry."

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