Chapter 73

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May, 30 weeks
We got into the house. I took off my jacket and sat down to take off my converse. I bent down but couldn't reach my feet because of my baby bump. Harry stood in front of me and noticed I was struggling, so he crouched down and took them off for me.

„Thanks." I said and he smiled at me.

While he untied my shoe laces, I looked at his blue and purple eye that was still bleeding.

„Ouch, shit!" He winced and furrowed his brows when I touched the bruised part of his face.

„Sorry, but I have to take care of that eye, Haz." I told him.

„No, it's fine. You have to go relax, this was really stressful for you." He commanded and got back up to take my hands and pull me up from my seat.

„I'll do that later, you're bleeding Harry, I have to take care of that."

I went to the bathroom and got a bottle of disinfectant and cotton pads. Harry already sat down on the couch, frowning. He was obviously still mad.
I walked out of the bathroom towards him. He sat on the edge of the couch, so I sat down on the small couch table in front of him. He was quiet, his head down, looking on the floor.

„Harry...Haz, look at me." I said.

„Are you really okay? That ass grabbed your wrists, they must hurt." He looked up at me.

„Harry, please don't worry, I'm fine now. I was just scared but he didn't do anything besides that." I sighed.

„Just scared? Grace, you're almost eight months pregnant, it's not good for you to get stressed like that." He told me.

„You're right Harry, but it's not my fault that this happened."

„I know love, it just makes me so angry that no one was around. I mean what if I didn't come home at that moment?" His eyes were glassy. „And none of our security guards were around and that can't happen."

„I don't know, but you were there and you beat him up, so it's fine now." I calmed him down and placed a kiss on his lips. „Let me take care of your eye now."

I gently brushed his long locks out if his face and tucked them behind his ear.

„Close your eyes, please." I instructed and he did what I said.
I poured the disinfectant on a cotton pad and gently wiped the blood remains away.

„It's pretty bruised, but if you put ice on it now, it will go away faster." I told him and grabbed his thighs to pull myself up from the couch table. I went to the fridge and got an ice pack for him and when I came back I sat back down on the couch table in front of Harry.

„Here." I laid the ice back in his hands. „Press it on your eye." I told him.

„Okay." He nodded, whispering. „Thanks."

„Oh Harry, look at your hand!" I noticed his blue and red knuckles and took his hand in mine. „It's completely bruised and swollen."

„Oow!" He let out furrowing his brows. „It's fine."

„No, it's not fine. It could be broken, I mean look at it, it's swollen and really bruised. Can you at least move it?" I asked him.

„Yeah, I can. It's not that bad." He showed it to me by opening and closing his hand.

I sighed.
„I'll wrap a bandage around it now. Don't move it too much, it obviously hurts you." I told him and got the bandage. I gently wrapped his hand with the white material and got him another ice pack for his hand.

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