Chapter 16

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Suddenly all my emotions came out and I couldn't stop crying anymore. The tears streamed down my face and wouldn't stop. I buried my face between my legs and cried and cried for hours until it got dark outside. There were just a few lights on, mostly of the arena and the show must have been over by now. I pulled myself up on my feet and walked across the hill towards the path to walk back home.

I didn't see much and tried to find the way out by looking on the ground with my phone light on when I bumped into something hard and fell on the ground.

„Shit!" I let out, sobbing with my shaky voice.

First I didn't recognize where I bumped into until I looked up.

I could recognize these gorgeous green eyes from everywhere.

„Harry!" I yelled and immediately got up but my legs instantly gave up, so I fell in his arms. He catched me and I wrapped my arms tight around his body and was so happy when he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms tight around my body to press me against his hard torso, I bumped into, so I wouldn't fall.

My tears started falling again when I finally laid in his arms where I felt safe again.

My tears started falling again when I finally laid in his arms where I felt safe again

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„You found me." I whispered, while I sobbed into his shoulder. He was rubbing my back and laid his head against mine. I held tight onto him, scared I would lose him again.

„I did...I finally did." he whispered back and placed a soft kiss on my head.

„I'm sorry, Harry." I whispered. „I missed you." I finally admitted as he ran his hand through my hair.

„Don't be sorry love, it's okay." he whispered back. „You don't even know how I missed you." he said.

God, it felt so good being around him again and feeling this bond again after a month. I missed that, I really did. He was right, there was some sort of sparkle between us, whenever we were together.

I didn't know how long we stood there, arm in arm but at some point my whole body started shivering. I didn't have a jacket with me and even though it was summer, the nights were pretty cold.

„You're freezing honey." he said. „Here, take my jacket." He didn't even let me say something as he laid his black leather jacket over my shoulders. It was way too big for me but it covered me perfectly to warm up my body.

„Listen, we need to talk." He eventually said as he looked down in my eyes.

„I know but I'm scared of this talk." I told him.

„I promise, you don't have to be scared." he smiled.

He must have cried earlier, I saw that. His eyes were still red and glassy and his voice was raspier than usual. A tear was still laying on his cheek, so I got on my tiptoes and wiped it away.

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