Chapter 84

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A couple of hours later with all of the nights dramas finally over, I laid in my hospital bed in our own private room, while Avery was getting checked out by the doctors. They already examined me and told me everything was fine and the birth went completely smooth.

„Go to sleep, honey, you are tired and have to rest after that night." Harry came to my bed and placed a kiss on my forehead when he notices my eyes slowly closing.

„No, I want to wait until they bring back Avery." I told him.

„You just gave birth in a car, love, you need to rest." He said. „Your body went through a lot these past hours."

„I still can't believe you brought her into the world." She smiled. „Her own father delivered her."

„That's not true, you brought her into the world and you did so great." He smiled back, but now go to sleep. Don't worry about Avery, I'll be here when they bring her back. Okay?"

„Okay." I sighed and it really was okay. I couldn't be happier with my husband by my side and our beautiful newborn daughter Avery. I made myself comfortable in my bed and quickly fell asleep.

I didn't know how long I was asleep but I woke up to Harry's soft voice talking. I saw him sitting in the corner on an armchair holding Avery, our tiny baby, protected by his rather large hands as he got up and bounced gently around the room.

„You have the best mummy, you know? She is so kind and beautiful and she loves you so, so much

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„You have the best mummy, you know? She is so kind and beautiful and she loves you so, so much. I love you too, so much and we will always tell you how much we love you, so you never forget. You were a cheeky one to arrive so quickly and in a slightly different way than we expected, but we're both so happy you're here." He placed a gentle kiss on her tiny nose. I almost melted, seeing the love of my life with his daughter in his arms. The love in his eyes was immense and unmistakeable to see. Avery was truly the most beautiful thing we had ever laid eyes on and although she was only a few hours old, we both loved this tiny baby more than anything in the world. Our little family was whole and filled only with love and adoration.

„Oh, look who's up, it's your mummy." Harry smiled at me when he saw I was awake. „Let's go see her." He walked towards me and I stretched my arms out so he could lay her in them.

„Hi Avery, hi baby girl. God, you're so beautiful, I love you so much." Tears filled my eyes when I looked down at her, gently running my hand over her precious little head.

„What did doctor Smith say?" I asked Harry, not taking my eyes off of her. „Is she alright?"

„She said everything is fine, she is completely healthy." He reassured. „She is perfect. We made a perfect baby."

„We did." A tear escaped my eye. „She looks so much like you, Haz."

„You think?" He sat down on the bed next to me.

„Yes, she is a copy of you." I let out a laugh. He just smiled at me and laid down next to me in bed.

I wasn't sure how Harry and I made a lot of things work, but managing to squeeze both me and my deflating but still prominent baby belly and Harry and his uncontrollably long limbs into the small hospital bed was by far the most baffling yet. But I wanted to spend these first moments alone as a family of three as close together as possible. I laid Avery back in Harry's arms, because I was too exhausted to even hold my head up, so I let it fall on Harry's shoulder as I gazed lovingly at the new center of my world in the love of my life's arms.

„Try and sleep again, love, it's past midnight." He whispered.

„No, I want to spend time with her for a bit longer." I told him, seeing how she fell asleep.

„By the way, Olivia called me earlier and congratulated us, she asked when she could come and visit us. I told her tomorrow is fine, is that okay?" He asked me.

„Of course it's okay, Anne and Gem are gonna visit tomorrow too, so they could come at the same time." I yawned.

„Alright, I'll text her later."

Harry removed his shirt so he could have skin to skin time with Avery as he placed her on his warm chest. His fingers gently stroke over her back underneath his old baby blanket that I tossed over them. He bent his head down to kiss her tiny head.

After like half an hour of just staring and smiling at our daughter, she fell asleep and Harry got up to lay her down in her hospital crib.

„I have to go to the bathroom." I told Harry, sitting up and throwing the blanket away from me.

„Can you get up alone? Do you need help?" He was immediately at my side.

„I guess I don't need help, thanks."

He still grabbed my hands and pulled me up. I put on my slippers, Anne brought me earlier and Harry guided me to the bathroom.

„It's so weird still having a baby bump without a baby in it." I laughed when I came out of the bathroom, placing my hands on my round stomach.

„I can't believe she was in there just a few hours ago." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

„Yeah, me neither. It was a weird but wonderful night."

„It was weird, yeah." He laughed. „But it was the most special night I ever had in my life. Now go sleep, mummy." He pressed his lips on mine.

„You too, daddy." I smiled at him, heading back to my bed.

„In a minute, I want to send the boys a picture of her." He smiled at Avery who was sound asleep, wrapped in a blanket.

„Can you send it to me? I have to send it to my mum."

„Of course, love." He typed around on his phone and I got his message. I looked at the picture of our precious daughter and was still not quiet believing what happened.

„We are parents now." I whispered to myself.

„We are." Harry obviously heard me when I saw him looking over at me. „It's a new chapter of our lives now."

„It is and I'm very excited." I walked back to Harry and stood next to Avery's crib. „Good night my love." I gently kissed her head.

„Night, night, Aves." Harry did the same.

„Come to bed with me now, Haz."

„I can sleep here, so you can have the bed for yourself." He pointed to the armchair in the corner.

„You're gonna mess up your back if you sleep there. Come on, you already have a bad back, I don't want it to get worse. Sleep next to me, I want you with me." I stretched out my hand for him to come.

„Fine, but don't push me out of the bad during the night."

I laughed. „I won't, now come here, Styles."

He took off his boots, changed into a pair of joggers and came into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I nuzzled my head in his chest.

„I love you so much." I whispered.

„I love you too, Grace, so much."

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