Chapter 44

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I finally landed in New York and made my way towards the baggage reclaim where Olivia would wait for me. I silently cried during the whole flight and almost didn't get any sleep. I listened to some of my favorite One Direction songs on the plane, what made me think of all the great memories I had with Harry.

I couldn't believe I really left him. He told me to move on but how could I ever do that when he was the real love of my life?
He must've pulled himself together like crazy and probably didn't want me to see him cry.

Just a few days ago, my life was perfect. I had my soulmate by my side, found happiness and love and finally had success in my business. Just when I thought my life was finally perfect, everything fell apart again. I lost my love, the most important person in my life, the person that knew everything about me, that knew what I was thinking just by looking in my eyes. I lost the person that I came home to, to tell everything about my day and would listen to all the little details I had to tell. The person I loved, trusted the most and knew my deepest feelings and secrets was not in my life anymore.
I couldn't hug him, kiss him or even play with his curls anymore.

Harry Edward Styles, the nicest, most caring and lovable person I ever met in my life gave up his true love, he was scared to find and let it go, even though he knew he would be heartbroken. I mean I was his fiancé, he proposed to me one month ago and I was ready to get married to this man. And now?
Now I just landed in New York to start a new life.

„Are you okay?" Olivia asked when I fell in her arms, almost ready to cry again.

„No, I'm not." I told her.

„I'm so sorry Grace, but he just wants the best for you."

„I know he does." I said. „Can you do me a favor Liv?"

„Sure, what is it?" She asked, rubbing my back.

„When you fly back to London, can you check on Harry now and then?" I asked her. „I want him to be okay and I know he isn't and will not be for a long time."

„Yeah, I can do that. Are you going to be fine here, alone?" She asked me as we got our suitcases and headed out of the airport to get a taxi that would get us to the place I would live.

New York was like another world to me. I was there once when I was little but couldn't really remember a lot of my time there. At first, it  was scary when we stepped out of the airport and looked at the city. Everything was pretty overwhelming but at the same time, it was just wonderful. New York was a big and somehow magical city. I wasn't quite sure if I would ever getting used to live in a city like that but I tried to.

We eventually got to my new apartment. It was not that big but still big enough for me to live there alone. Olivia and I carried my suitcases in and I immediately remembered the day Harry and I got the rest of my stuff from my old house to move in with him. If he would have been here, he carried that suitcases in with his strong arms, in like five minutes. Olivia and I instead were almost dying to get them up some stairs.


A few weeks passed, I slowly got used to the life in New York. I finished decorating my apartment and Olivia went home a few days after I landed in New York. I was on my own.
Work was hard but I liked it, I learned a lot already and gave my best.

The only problem was I missed Harry so much. I had a picture of him I took a few months ago as my background on my phone. Whenever I missed him or wanted to see his beautiful, bright smile, I looked at it and it always felt like he was right next to me. I could smell his scent, that made me feel like being at home with him, it made me feel safe.

I took the picture on his birthday party. I remember how I baked the cake for him and how happy he was when I showed it to him. It was one of the best nights we had. He was so insanely happy that day and it made my heart melt, seeing him like that. When he was happy, I was happy too.

I remember how we both got drunk that night and stumbled home from the bar we celebrated with the boys

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I remember how we both got drunk that night and stumbled home from the bar we celebrated with the boys. We walked hand in hand along the sidewalk, laughing and joking around. Harry almost fell on the ground because he tripped over a small rock and it mad me laugh so hard that my belly hurt.
I also remember how we had the worst hangover the next day, I think I would never forget how my head ached after that night.
But it was worth it because we had the greatest time.

Whenever I had a day off or came home after a long day, I turned on the TV to watch live concerts of the boys. I couldn't tell if Harry was okay when I looked at him, he covered it up pretty good.
I turned off the TV to distract myself. I knew I shouldn't look back anymore and go on but it was so hard.

Instead I turned on the radio to listen to music while I made dinner.
Just when I started cooking, a song started playing in the radio that made my heart squeeze. It was You're Still The One by Shania Twain. The song Harry and I danced to when One Direction won their brit award. The song that from that night on, became our song. It somehow told our story and we both loved it so much. I remember when he told me he wanted to dance to that song on our wedding as our first dance.

I stood in front of the sink like I was frozen and listened to the song. I felt how some tears escaped my eyes and ran down my cheeks.

„Shit." I whispered to myself. I didn't want to cry. I promised myself not to cry about Harry anymore. God how I hated to go through a heartbreak.

I listened how she sang „You're still the one that I love..." and remembered how Harry hugged and kissed me during the song, how we slowly danced to it in the middle of this giant room.

„Fuck Harry, why did you let me go?" My voice cracked. I was at home alone, luckily. I didn't anyone to see how I really felt.

I always had to tell myself why Harry let me go. He loved me and he loved me so much that he did this.
I was in New York now and there was no way back.

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