Chapter 8

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„Jesus." I said, looking at the thousands of empty seats in front of me. „This is incredible, doesn't it freak you out?"

„A little." he admitted. „I still have moments where I can't really believe I get to stand up here and sing to 50'000 people."

„Do you get nervous? I would literally shit myself." I let out a laugh.

„Not really. At the beginning of a tour, yes, when we're singing songs of a new album for the first time but from time to time we can really get into it and enjoy it."

„Doesn't it overwhelm you sometimes?" I asked him.

„What exactly? Doing a show?"

„I mean the whole thing. Being famous and being in the public eye. It must be hard sometimes to get a bit of privacy." I said.

„Yeah, sometimes it still hits me a bit, you're right. I mean we started when I was 16 and I was the youngest of all five. It really was hard for me in the beginning but I think from time to time I got used to it, being followed by paparazzi or giving interviews and stuff like this. I obviously do have some bad days but when I remember everything I experienced with these guys, I can't imagine my life any different than this. I love the boys, they are my family."

„It's really impressing to see what you have achieved throughout these five years. And as you said, you were only 16 years old, I would have been scared as hell." I told him.

„I was scared, and it can still be a bit scary but there's so much that is good about being in One Direction, I can't complain. I love being in the band and I'm very lucky to be where I am now."

Our eyes locked for a long moment and again, my pulse got quicker with every second that passed. This time I looked away first, I had to stop me to fall for him. I didn't want to, even though a part of my heart said I wanted to.

„Here, come down here with me." He said and I followed him down some steps. I tried to imagine what it would be like, being up here with 50'000 people looking at you and screaming at the top of their lungs. He sat down on the second step and patted the spot next to him, indicating that I should sit down too.

I did and immediately became aware of how close he was to me. I smelled again the scent of his fresh apple shampoo and looked at his soft brown hair which was curling around his neck. God, he smelled so good.

„So.." I started, thinking about what he just told me. „Of all that are so good about being in One Direction, what's the best thing?"

„Making people happy." He said without hesitation. „There's nothing better, than being up on stage and looking out to see all these girls smiling and knowing they're happy because of us. And for me, I love it when you can hear the crowd singing your songs, especially when it's words you've written. I can see how these words really mean something to them and singing along makes them happy. That's the best thing ever."

As he spoke, his smile lit up his whole face. His beautiful green eyes were shining. Wow, he was one of the most stunning human beings I had ever seen and when he smiled, it was like the sun was shining right in my face. Everything was brighter and warmer.

„You really do love it, don't you?" I smiled back at him.

„God yes." He turned to me. „I'm just an ordinary lad from Cheshire and now I'm a member of a successful, worldwide known band and I get to travel the world and sing to thousands of people. It's amazing."

„I can see it in your eyes...that you love it. They get so sparkly and shiny when you talk about it."

He didn't say anything, he just smiled shyly and looked down at his rings to play with them.

„Is there something you would change if you could, that you really don't enjoy?" I asked him. I wanted to know more about him, more about the real Harry Styles, not the one the media always refers as womanizer. I knew he was different than what we hear on tv or on youtube.
There was something about him I couldn't describe. I could talk to him for hours without getting bored. It felt so comfortable talking and listening to him.

„Yeah, there is." he said and paused for a moment.

„What I really don't enjoy, is getting hit in the balls by flying objects so often, that I'm scared I will never be able to father a child."

He looked so serious but I he couldn't hide his smile for so long.

„Seriously Harry." I laughed.

„I am serious. It fucking hurts and I really want to be a dad some day."

I laughed at that, then tried to put on a disapproving look.

„Surely that can't be what scares you the most."

His smile faded and he stared at me for what felt like hours but probably was only a few seconds. The sudden change of his expression concerned me a bit.

„You're right." he said. „There is something that scares me more. But if I tell you, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone."

„I promise." I said. He looked really serious.

„I mean it." he said. „I would hate to tell you this and then find it all over the internet."

„I would never do that, I'm not like that." I told him.

„I know, I really do. He said with his eyes fixed on mine. „I know we've only just met yesterday but there's something about you...I feel like I can trust you, Grace."

„You can." I said, my voice little more than a whisper.

„Okay then, I'll tell you."

„The thing that scares me most is..." he paused and licked his lips. He looked away, down to his hands again where he nervously played with his rings again. I could tell that he was about to tell me something that was important to him. Yes, I hardly knew him but somehow I knew he wasn't playing with me now.

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