Chapter 111

103 1 0

November 2018


We were back from LA for a few days now. I was glad to be at home again and I could tell, Harry was too.

„We have been invited to a party." Harry came walking in as I was clearing up the kitchen.

„We have?" I asked again, turning around to face him.

„We have. You and me, both of us together." He came around the corner to steal one of the cookies I just baked. „This tastes so good." He let out as he took another one.

„That's great, but instead of eating them all, let them cool down first." I told him, eyeing Avery's monitor behind me on the kitchen island as I placed another plate of cookies on the kitchen counter.

„I just changed and laid her down again." He reassured me.

„I don't think she'll sleep much longer." I breathed, thinking of all the things I still had to do. „So, a party, huh?"

„Yeah, a birthday party for a friend. You're coming with me, right?" He asked, pouring him a glass of water.

„When is the party?" I asked him as he sat down on a bar stool in front of me.

„Tomorrow night."

„What about Avery?" I asked him. „We can't take her with us." I sighed, because I didn't really want to leave her side.

„I'll ask Gemma if she could watch her. And if Gemma can't, I'll ask Louise or Louis and Eleanor. They're good with kids."

„Alright fine. I'll come too." I eventually gave in and his face lit up as soon as I said yes, making me grin at him.

„Great. Thank you, love." He placed a soft kiss on my lips. „Now, I see you're pretty stressed out right now."

„Is it so obvious?" I asked, making a pose as I placed my hands on my hips, tilting my head.

I wore a pair of large sweats and a t-shirt with stains of flour from my baking session all over it. My hair was messy and tied together in a pony tail, starting to get greasy if I didn't wash them for another day.

„It's not that." He let out a laugh. „By the way why are you always stealing my clothes? I don't even have a pair of sweatpants anymore." He grinned at me.

„Because Avery spat all over mine and I still have to do laundry. Sorry."

„It's alright, love." He smiled at me, looking deep in my eyes. „You look very tired."

„Well, there's a lot to do and I don't get much sleep lately." I told him, sighing.

„And that's why I want to help you out as much as I can." He stated. „What do you need me to do?"

„Harry, it's fine. You don't have to help and besides, you have a show tonight and you need to be at the arena in a few hours." I shrugged it off and made my way to living room to clear up the mess that waited for me there.

„I know, but it means I still have some time and I wanna use that to help you. You need help. I mean look at you. You are way too tired, walking around with only one sock on and two different pairs of slippers on your feet."

I looked down to see I was only wearing my right sock and a black slipper on my left foot and a grey slipper on my right one.

„God, I'm such a mess." I whispered.

„You are not a mess, you are a new mother, it's okay." He chuckled, pulling me in his arms, resting his chin on my head. „Now tell me, what do you want me to do?"

„Okay, let's see." I breathed, thinking of my To-Do list I made earlier today. „I need to go grocery shopping, do laundry, oh and I need to pump milk for Avery, but since your nipples are no use to that, just forget that."

„You know what? I'll go grocery shopping." He suggested.

„That would be great. I made a list. It's in my purse." I told him, pointing to the entrance.

„I'll be right back." He called on his way out of the house and I nodded before I got to the living room to start clearing up.

I did as much as I could. I cleaned the bathrooms and did the laundry. I changed all the bedsheets, fed Avery again when I heard her cry and changed her diaper.

When I was finally done with everything, I grabbed the baby monitor and took it with me to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower, that I desperately needed, so I turned the water on, turning up the heat, that it got warm and steamy in the bathroom. I knelt down on the carpet that was on the floor to pick up some dirty socks Harry left on the floor, but as I sat down it felt so comfortable. The floor was so warm and I soon found myself lying down on my right side.

I was gonna close my eyes just for a few seconds...

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