Chapter 4

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„Where were you mate and what happened to your arm?" Liam asked as soon as I entered the door to the studio.
I was supposed to be here a half an hour ago to record but then that thing happened with Grace so I was a bit late.

„Sorry guys, I had a little accident on my way here."

„An accident? What happened?" I heard Zayn ask from the back of the room. He was sitting on a couch, playing with his phone.

„Someone just bumped into me and we both fell on the ground. She was really sweet and took care of this." I pointed at my arm that had a bandage around it.

„She? It was a girl?" Niall grinned at me.

„Yeah, it was a girl Niall." I let out a laugh at the look on his face. „Oh and by the way, I invited her to the show tomorrow as a thank you for helping me." I told them.

„Oh Harold, Harold, dear Harold." Louis smiled and came over to pat my shoulder.


„I'm just saying, this girl must be a special one. You normally don't trust girls after knowing them for weeks and you met this girl today and you already have a crush on her." He explained.

„What are you talking about, I don't have a crush on her. She is just a lovely girl that helped me so I thanked her for that." I told them, seeing how they all had their eyes on me.

„If you don't have a crush on her, why won't you stop smiling when you talk about her?" Niall asked. He knew exactly how to hit my nerves.

„I don't know okay? She was just a really nice and lovely person."

„What's her name?" Zayn asked from the back again.

„Grace Montgomery." I told them, smiling at the thought of her.

„We're already dying to meet her." Liam eventually said.

„Did you give her your number?" Louis asked.

„Uuh no, not yet."

„Ohh Harry Edward Styles, how are you gonna call her then?" He added after he slapped his hand onto his forehead.

„I didn't want to be too forward, I still wanna get to know her better." I told him.

„Ha! See, you like her Harry." Louis smiled.

„Fine I like her. But I want to be careful, every girl I went out with, just wanted to be with me because of the fame or the money and I'm sick of this." I explained to them and let myself plop down on the couch next to Zayn.

„Well I think if it's really the one, you know it when you see her." Niall told me.

„I can't believe this right now. Harry Styles was here and invited you to their concert. And you have a fucking crush on him!" Olivia was still shocked. „I have to tell my friends about this."

„Nooo, stop it Olivia. I don't want him to get even more attention from crazy fans or paparazzi. And besides, when people find out where he was, they will come to the boutique and I don't want that." I told her.

„Right sorry, it's just so exciting, you're gonna meet One Direction."

„I know but he was only here because I helped him." I told her now with a slightly annoyed voice.

„You like him Grace, it's so obvious." She laughed.

„Hey, you know very well, I don't want to start dating anyone. It's too soon." I told her.
My expression was now serious when I remembered what happened in the past.

„I know, I know, sorry."

„I'm just gonna go with him to the show and have a good time. After that, he will probably forget about me anyways. Harry Styles has better things to do than hanging out with someone he just met on the street." I told her, what made me realize I may never see him again after tomorrow night...


After the clients, that I made the appointment with, left the boutique, I got back to Olivia who sat behind the front desk doing paperwork.
Sometimes she helps me with it and I'm really thankful for that, because she does it so good and fast. Not like me.

„And? What did she say?" She asked with her eyes almost popping out of her head.

„I got it! She wants me to do it!!" I screamed out as she jumped up and ran around the desk to hug me.
We both jumped up and down of happiness.

A few days ago a client called me to make an appointment. She wanted to discuss with me her wedding dress that she wanted. She asked me if I could come up with some ideas and draw some sketches so she could take a look at them today and decide if she wanted me to make it or not.
So she came an hour ago to the boutique and was in love with one of my sketches I showed her so luckily she decided to let me make it for her.
It's a great job for me and since I love sewing wedding dresses, I'm over the moon I can do it for her.

„I'm so happy for you Grace." She let go of the hug as we heard the door opening.

„Hey Grace."
There it was again. The familiar deep and raspy voice, that appeared behind my back.
It made my heart race immediately as I turned around to let my eyes finally meet his, only to see his beautiful, shy smile again that was shining in my face.

„Harry, hey." I was surprised I was able to talk as I let that out and began instantly smiling at him too.
God, Olivia is right, isn't she? I have a crush on Harry Styles...

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