Chapter 121

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July 2019
Dancing and singing along, it was only halfway through and I watched as Avery made a good time out of it. She was set on the ground and was twirling along to the music, watching as her dress flowed around her tiny body. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my legs, rocking her hips from side to side.

„Dance, mummy!" She screamed out and reached for my hands. I took her small ones in mine, dancing along. I glanced up, locking eyes with Harry and a grin across my face. He kept an eye on the both of us most of the night and relaxed once he saw we were both enjoying ourselves. He grinned at Avery and waved at her as he crouched down in front of us for a few seconds.

„I just want to give a shout out to the two most important girls in my life, sitting right here in front row tonight

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„I just want to give a shout out to the two most important girls in my life, sitting right here in front row tonight." He smiled down at the both of us again. I picked Avery up as she wrapped her legs around my hips.

„Hi, daddy!" She yelled out and blew him a kiss. Loud ,aw's' escaped from the crowd before the screaming started up again, laughter falling from Harry's lips.

„Hi, beautiful." He blew a kiss back in her direction before he started talking again. „Tonight is a special night for me and my family, because it's my daughter's first birthday and she really wanted to come tonight." And again, the crowd cheered for her and I heard some ,aw's'. „So, could you guys please do me a favor and make her happy?" He asked, walking around on stage.

„Everyone say yes!" Liam yelled into the mic and the crowd all screamed yes.

„Great." Harry smiled. „Just give me one second." He placed his mic on the stand and quickly got over to us and crouched down to whisper something into Paul's ear who was standing there.
Paul came over to me after Harry finished.

„Harry wants to get Avery on stage." He told me. I looked at Harry for a second and he nodded, assuring me it was okay.

„Alright." I nodded to Paul. „Go to daddy, Avery."  I kissed her cheek and Paul took her out of my arms to lift her up on stage where Harry was waiting with his arms stretched out.

Avery was having the time of her life as he picked her up and placed her on his hip. He got to his mic stand to grab his mic and started talking again.

„Alright. Here she is." He smiled at her. „Now, please let's all sing happy birthday to her. Her name is Avery." He said and I watched as everyone waved at her.

„Let's sing on three!" Louis said. „One, two, three."

„Happy birthday to you." Everyone started singing, including the security guards, Eleanor, me, the boys and the crowd of course. „Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Avery, happy birthday to you!" We finished and everyone started clapping as she started smiling and buried her face in Harry's neck.

„Aww!" Everyone cheered.

„Thank you guys so much!" Harry said into the mic. „What do you say, Aves?" He held his mic in front of her mouth.

„Thank uu." She said, shyly and the crowd cheered again.

Harry pressed some kisses on her cheek and came back to give her back to us.

„Wow, everyone sang for you, are you happy?" Eleanor smiled at her as Paul placed her back in my arms.
She nodded quickly, smiling wide.


It had all been fun and games until the pushing began. I looked around as the eager fans pushed to get through to try and get close to me and Avery. I watched as Avery fell forward, losing her balance and falling on to her hands and knees. She looked up at me, her face scrunching, and a loud wail escaped her lips.

„Avery!" I shrieked out, leaning down to scoop her into my arms. „Are you okay, sweetie?"

Eleanor tried her best to stand behind me, shielding us both from the shoves. Avery buried her face into my neck, cries falling from her lips and tears streaming down her face.

I looked around to try and locate Paul, but he was nowhere in sight. I looked over at Eleanor, desperate to try and get out of the situation we landed in. She nodded and tried to catch Niall's attention, waving at him due to his closeness.

„Niall!" She screamed out and once his eyes met hers, he already knew. He rushed over to Harry, continuing to sing the words to the song and leaned in to say something in his ear. I kept Avery pressed to my chest, my hand rubbing her back to soothe her. Harry ran across the stage and saw the both of us in the distress we were in. Signaling for the music to stop, he lifted the microphone to his lips.

„Guys, if everyone could please just take a couple of steps back!" When they didn't react, instead pushed more, he leaned down and called out for security, pointing towards us with a frustrated look on his face.

„We can't enjoy the show tonight if you guys are going to get rough!" Zayn tried to calm them down.

„It's okay, Sunshine. You're okay." I cooed into Avery's ear, her cries failing to stop. The security team rushed over, pulling the banister out of the way, and getting us and Eleanor out. I looked up at Harry, noticing the panicked expression on his face and gave him a reassuring nod. Rushing backstage, I made my way into the dressing room and set Avery down onto the couch.

„Let me see, my love." I sat beside her, stretching her legs into my lap and examining the tiny scrapes on her knees. Eleanor leaned over, her head peering over my shoulder.

„Is she okay?" She asked, her voice quiet. I nodded and looked at her palms, slightly red from the fall.

„You want Mama to kiss you better? Hm, is that it?" She sniffled and nodded, her hands reaching up to wipe at her eyes. Eleanor dug in her bag for some band-aids, handing them over and watching as I fulfilled my mommy duties. I placed one on each of her knees before leaning down to press a soft kiss on them.

„Let me see your hands, baby." She held them out to me and watched as I took them in mine and pressed soft kisses on each one. „Is that better?" I opened my arms and watched as she nodded, quickly making her way to me and climbing into my lap. Eleanor took a seat next to me, reaching over to rub Avery's leg softly and smiled.

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