Chapter 103

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I got invited to showcase my collection in the annual fashionshow. It was my third year at the show and I totally forgot about it this year because of the baby and then Harry's injury and all the stress. I had to come up with a brand new collection and I obviously had no idea where to start, plus it said I would have to send it in in three weeks.
And how the hell was I gonna do this with a two month old baby?

„What the hell do I do now?" I whispered to myself, leaning back in my chair. I rubbed my face, trying to think of a solution.

I got lost in my thoughts for a few minutes until I heard a knock on the door and Olivia's head popped in shortly after that.

„You alright?" She came in with Avery sleeping in her arms. „You seemed a bit quiet."

„Yeah, yeah. I just forgot something important and now I have no idea how I'm gonna do it." I sighed.

„What is it?" She wondered and sat down on the chair across from my table.

I grabbed the letter and placed it in front of her face. She handed me over Avery and took the letter. „Read this." I told her.

„Well, that's great. Why are you so frustrated?" She asked as she handed me back the letter after reading it and looked at me.

„I have to make a whole new collection in three weeks. Normally, I have no problem with that, but I have Avery to take care of." I explained. „How am I gonna do this?"

„Grace, you know, that I'll always help you." She said. „I'm always here, you know that and I also know you can do this."

„I guess I just have to." I let out a laugh. „Thank you, I don't deserve you."

„No need to thank me, you're my best friend and that's what best friends do." She smiled and took my hand to squeeze it.

„I'll get started on my designs then." I breathed.

„Do that, I'll be downstairs. Should I look after Aves?"

„No, thank you. She is good company." I smiled and she nodded before she left.
Luckily I thought of everything when I was pregnant and decided to put like a bassinet into my office at the boutique too, just for situations like this, so I just laid her down in there.

The morning went by as quick as ever. I made some new designs but had to stop working in between to change and feed Avery or soothe her whe she started crying, but it did work actually to get some things done with her by my side.
At noon, the three of us went to a quiet restaurant to have lunch together.

„So, how have you been lately?" Liv asked all out of a sudden after we finished eating. „I haven't really asked you that today."

„I'm a little tired lately. Avery just goes through a phase." I explained. „She is up crying every night for hours and Harry and I don't get that much sleep, but we will get through that."

„Oh no, poor thing, hopefully it gets better." She said. „How's Harry been? Didn't see him in weeks."

„He is fine, just busy. Honestly, I don't know how he does it. He always gets up when Avery is crying and doesn't let me out of bed so I can sleep, but he still gets up so early in the morning and goes to work." I told her.

„He is a good husband, Grace and a really great dad." She smiled.

„Yeah, that he is." I couldn't hide a smile at the thought of him. „How have you been? I know I didn't quite have the time to talk to you lately."

„Hey, don't worry about it." She smiled. „Actually, I have to tell you something..." She grinned at me.

I furrowed my brows. „What do you have to tell me?" I wondered.

„I'm engaged." She let out, smiling widely. „Drake proposed to me a few days ago."

„OMG!" I screamed out. „Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" I got up to give her a tight hug.

„Thank you. It was so romantic, he took me to a beautiful restaurant and then to the beach and that's where he asked me."

„Aww, so romantic." I said. „Now show me the ring."

She showed me her hand with the beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

„Wow, it's gorgeous." I told her. „And I didn't even notice it earlier." I let out a laugh. „I'm so happy for you, Liv. God, time flies by so feels like it was yesterday when I met you in first grade."

„It does." She agreed. „You're married and have a baby and now I'm gonna get married too."

„Yeah, we're getting older." I breathed.

„We are!" We laughed.

We went on talking about her wedding that was coming up in a year and her plans for it for the next hour and slowly headed back to the boutique again to go back to work.

I sat back into my office to continue on my new designes while I thought of models that I could cast for the show. Liv was downstair playing with Avery when something came to my mind.

„Gigi!" I sat up straight as she came into my mind. Gigi Hadid was a good friend of mine and a even better one since Zayn dated her and she already walked for some of my shows. I just loved her. She was so kind and professional and always did a great job. I needed to ask her if she could come and maybe her sister Bella would walk for me too.

„Ask Gigi to walk for fashionshow." I wrote down on my notes in my phone. „Shit!" I let out as I saw the time on my phone. I almost forgot the coffe break with Harry.
I packed my things together and got downstairs.

„Liv, I have to meet Harry." I started talking while walking down the stairs, trying nit to trip and fall. „I'll be back later, okay?" I walked towards her to get Avery and laid her down in her stroller.

„Sure, see you later and have fun." She smiled at me and Avery.

„Thanks!" I left the boutique, heading towards their studio.

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