Chapter 92

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We had a great afternoon together, walking around in the park and enjoying time as a family. We even went to our secret place next to the arena. I wanted Avery to see it for some reason, because it was a special place for Harry and me. It's where everything started. We had our first kiss there, it was our safe place when we felt miserable during our time apart. We celebrated my birthday on that hill and Harry proposed to me there. That place became a special part of our lives through the years.

„What flavor do you want?" Harry asked me as we sat down outside of a little café. We both wanted ice cream and the place we found looked really cute and we have never been there before, so we decided to try it out.

„Uhm, lemon, please." I told him and he nodded on his way inside to get us our ice cream.
I smiled at Avery who was lying in her stroller, wide awake. I put a thin blanket over it to protect her from the sun. She looked so adorable. Her eyes were fixed on me and I reached down to her with my finger to ran it over her soft cheek.

„I love you." I whispered, smiling at her. „You are our everything, our little sunshine."

„Here you go, love." Harry came back with two cones in his hands, handing me over the one I wanted.

„Thank you." I smiled at him.

„This is nice." He said, sitting down on his chair.

„It is, it feels so good to be out for a little while. We should come here more often." I suggested, eating my ice cream before it started to melt in my hands.

„Yeah, I really like this place too. it's so calm here." He agreed, taking his sunglasses of and placing them on his head to hold back his hair.

" He agreed, taking his sunglasses of and placing them on his head to hold back his hair

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„Hopefu-." I stopped when Harry's phone started ringing. He sighed, rolling his eyes.

„Sorry, I'll be right back." He got up from his seat to a quieter place.

„Looks like it's just you and me again." I whispered to Avery. She was still wide awake, probably because she slept a lot the past few hours.

„Let's go home." I suddenly heard Harry's harsh voice appearing from behind me. He walked past me, grabbing the stroller and stretching his hand out for me.
Confused, I got up and took his hand.

„What's wrong, Haz?" I asked him, frowning why he suddenly wanted to leave.

„Nothing, let's just go, people are already staring." He told me and almost dragged me along the street back home.

„Harry, your legs are a lot longer than mine." I breathed, trying to catch my breath and keeping up with him.

He just ignored me for some reason and didn't even listen to what I said.

„Harry! Slow down!" I raised my voice so he would finally listen.

He sighed and finally slowed down.
The rest of the walk home we both stayed silent. He was obviously mad about something and I didn't know what it was, but I hated how he acted towards me. I let go of his hand when we reached the driveway and walked up to the door. I was upset about the situation. We had a beautiful afternoon and then that phone call came what made Harry mad and everything was ruined.
As we got into the house, I lifted Avery out of the stroller, grabbed her bunny and got upstairs. I sat on our bed and fed her since it was time again. Harry didn't say a word and stayed downstairs, typing around on his phone.

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