Chapter 32

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Just a few moments later he pulled in on the parking spot of the stadium they always performed. He parked the car, got out and opened the door on my side again.

„What are we doing here at the stadium?" I wondered. „You don't have a show, have you?"

„No, just follow me." He stretched out his hand so I took it and got out of the car.
He led me through the whole parking spot to the back and that's when I realized where he was taking me to.
We walked ip the familiar small path to the top of our secret place.

„Oh my god, Harry Styles did you do all this?" I asked him as we reached the top of the hill.

Everything was decorated with little lamps and candles. He placed some lamps on the tree and around the hill. In the middle was a little table for two, that was laid beautifully.

 In the middle was a little table for two, that was laid beautifully

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„With a little bit of Gemma's help, but the ideas were all mine." He told me. „Do you like it? I thought you wouldn't want something fancy so I decided to do that, so we could be alone and enjoy our time together."

„I love it, it's perfect and exactly what I would have wanted." I told him. „Thank you so much."

I laid my arms around his back to hug him tight and kissed him afterwards.

We sat down and he served me the most delicious lasagne I ever had in my life. He bought us a good red wine, that looked expensive but was delicious and we had the most romantic time together.

„I can't believe you cooked everything yourself." I told him after I finished eating my piece birthday cake he made for me.

„I did, I'm a good cook you know?"

„Now I know." I smiled at him, looking in his beautiful face that was shining in the light of the lamps.

„Okay, now it's time for your present." He then said and grabbed into his pocket to take out a purple, little box that had a bow on top of it.
„That's for you, I hope you like it."

„You didn't have to get me anything, that night was more than enough." I told him as he placed the little box in front of me.

„Stop it Grace." he let out a laugh. „Just open the box and accept my present for you."

„Alright." I giggled at his laugh and opened it.
I was stunned by what I saw and my jaw dropped.

„Wow, they are beautiful." I asked, not believing what I saw. „There was just one pair that ever existed and my grandma lost them before she died. They look exactly the same as the ones she had." I told him.

In the box was a pair of beautiful blue diamond earrings. They looked just like the ones my grandma had. They were really important for her because they were so old and only one pair of them ever existed. When she lost them, she was heartbroken because she always told me I would get them someday. But then a few weeks after she lost them, she passed away. When I went to her house after the funeral, I searched for them everywhere, in every corner of the house but never found them.

 When I went to her house after the funeral, I searched for them everywhere, in every corner of the house but never found them

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„That's because those are hers. Those are the ones she lost." He smiled at me.

„What? But...but how is that possible?" I asked him. „They were gone how did you get them?"

„I wanted to get you earrings, so I talked to Olivia and she told me I should get you a pair that looks similar to the ones your grandma had." He started explaining. „And when I asked her why they were so important to you, she told me the whole story, so I tried to find them. I went to some old jewelry stores and asked for them with a picture I got from Olivia. No one ever saw earrings like this so I gave up hope. But then it came to my mind that the mother of a friend of mine had a little jewelry store with pretty old jewelry she got from all around the world. When I showed her the picture, she immediately recognized them and showed them to me so I bought them. She told me, that someone found them on the beach in the sand."

„Oh my god she lost them there! We always went to the beach together and would sit there and just talk." I told him. „I can't believe how much effort you made to get me these but thank you so so much, Harry." I got up and got on my tiptoes to wrap my arms tight around his body.

„Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you so so much Harry." I whispered in his ear while I hugged him.

„Your welcome, sweetie. I love you." He whispered back, placed a kiss on my head and squeezed me tight.

We spent the rest of the night sitting in the grass while watching up to the stars.
He laid his blazer over my shoulders so I wouldn't get cold. I sat on his lap with my back against his chest and his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my roght shoulder and enjoyed the night, just sitting there on that hill, arm in arm in eachothers company.
„This was the best birthday ever, thank you." I said and turned around to kiss him.

„I'm glad you liked it." He smiled and placed a kiss on my neck.

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