Chapter 86

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„Liv!" I smiled when I saw my best friend standing in front of me.

„Oh my god, Grace!" She almost screamed. „How is the new mummy doing, huh?" She asked me after I got into the elevator with her and hugged her tight.

„Great, happier than ever." I smiled at her.

„And the daddy?" She asked.

„The daddy actually delivered our daughter last night." I told her.

„He what?! How?"

„You heard right." I said with a laugh. „My water broke at the stadium and we were in the car, heading to the hospital but she just really wanted to come out, so I had her in the car and she literally fell into Harry's arms." I explained, thinking back at last night and how much of an emotional rollercoaster it was. „It was an incredible night."

„Aww, what an experience and so cute, I'm so excited to meet her." She smiled. „How are you feeling otherwise?"

„I'm fine. Very, very happy." I said. „You should see Harry, he is so great. He loves her so much and it's like he was meant to be a dad, it came so natural to him."

„You two will be the best parents, I just know it."

„Hopefully." I laughed when the doors of the elevator opened and we got out to walk together towards our room. I smiled at Liv before opening the door to the beautiful sight of Harry standing with his back to us, holding our baby in his arms, talking to her and gently bouncing her up and down.

„Look, mummy is back." He said and turned around, smiling at me. „And aunt Liv is here too."

I placed my bag on a small table and turned back to Liv who already had tears in her eyes, her hands in front of her mouth.

„This is Avery Sophia Styles." I introduced her to Liv when Harry came closer and held her so she could see her.

„Oh, how sweet she is...god look at her beautiful face." Her eyes were glassy.

„Aww, don't cry. You're making me cry too if you do." I let out a little laugh.

„She is just so perfect, I can't believe it. And she looks just like you, Harry."

„That's what I said!" I nudged him slightly.

„Well, at least she has my eyes, that's for sure." He said.

„Believe me, she has a lot more of you." Olivia smiled through her teary eyes. „God, you're the perfect family. I have to take a picture of you three." She then said and already moved me next to Harry. We nodded and I laid my arm around his waist while he was holding Avery.

„Now, smile!" Olivia instructed and we did what she wanted before she took some pictures. „Aww, look at them, so beautiful." She showed us her phone. „I'll send them to you right now."

She was right, this was probably one of the most beautiful pictures of us, even though I looked like shit while Harry looked handsome as always. I swear this boy just always looked good on pics, whatever he looked like.

„Now, do you want to hold her?" I asked her.

„Can I?" She quietly asked.

„Of course." Harry said and guided her to the armchair in the back. She sat down and Harry carefully laid her in her arms.

„Hi Avery." She hardly whispered to her. „I am Olivia, but everyone calls me Liv. I'm your mothers best friend, I have known her for a lot of years, you know? Imagine my reaction when I found out you were growing in her tummy." She smiled at me and it immediately brought me back to the day she saw the ultrasound picture. „You're parents will be the best and they are always here for you. But just so you know, when you're a little older and are sick of them, you can always come to me and talk or hang out. I am always here to listen."

Her words made us laugh but it made me almost cry too. I have known Liv since we were ten years old or so and now she was holding my newborn baby.

Just how fast the night changes...

Shortly after Liv came, Anne and Gemma came to visit too. They stayed for an hour or so and all spent time with Avery. As much as I loved being around them, I just wanted it to be us three again, Harry, Aves and me. I felt exhausted and wanted to go back to sleep.

Harry and I spent the day talking to Avery and just admiring everything she did. We went on a walk outside of the hospital in the small park so we wouldn't spend our whole day in our room.

We got back up onto our floor and had dinner that Harry sneaked in for us. And after changing Avery and feeding her, I finally got ready for bed in the bathroom. That was when I had some time alone to think for a minute. It was the first time I really had a minute for myself after the stressful night and the visits and everything. It made me think of a lot and it made me realize some things that I haven't even had the time to think about earlier.

I got out of the bathroom and just wanted to go to bed now and sleep.

„Grace?" Harry's voice sounded in my ears from somewhere around the room.


„What's wrong?" He asked lovingly. „You seem off."

Every time he did that, I asked myself how he always knew something was wrong. I hadn't even said a word but he just knew for some reason.

„It's nothing..." I replied quietly and let myself fall on the bed after gently kissing Aves goodnight.

„It's not nothing, Grace. You just were so happy and now suddenly you seem so sad." He sat on the bed next to me.

„I don't want to bother you with this, Haz."

„It's me Grace, you know you can tell me everything. I'm your husband, sweetie." He said fondly, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb over it while I couldn't look him in the eyes and just stared down at the blanket.

„Do you wanna tell me now?" He placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I sighed. „I just wish that...that my dad would be here and could meet Avery...and you." I quietly said. „He always wanted grandchildren and now he is not even here to hold her, or look at her..." I felt the tears already filling my eyes.

„Oh honey." He looked at me apologetically and pulled me closer to him. „I know he is watching you right now, he is watching us and is probably smiling down at us, mostly at you and Aves. I know he is so proud of you and everything you have accomplished in your life. He is protecting you two. He is your guardian angel, just like your grandmother."

„He would have loved you, Haz. You are a special person and you are just you, just my Harry. I really miss him, especially now...just like my grandmother. She would have loved meeting you too." I leaned against his chest.

„You know, I'm sure Avery inherited the passion for tailoring you and your grandmother shared. She will always be a part of your life just like your dad and they are both so incredibly proud of you." He whispered the last sentence in my ear.

„Maybe Avery inherited your beautiful voice." I smiled at the thought.

„Maybe...we will find out at some point."

„You know, sometimes I think my dad sent you just for me." I let out a laugh and looked up into his eyes that were shining so beautifully.

„Maybe, we don't know, but I know for sure that I am the luckiest guy to have met you three years ago." He pressed a kiss against my forehead.

„Thank you, Haz." I smiled at him.

„Don't thank me." He squeezed me into a hug. „Let's now focus on the new life we brought into this world." He said and we both looked over to Avery's crib and how peacefully she was sleeping while he wrapped his arms around me.

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