Chapter 129

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December 2020
„So, what do you say, Chinese?" Harry asked me as we were deciding where to go for dinner on our date.

„Chinese sounds great." I smiled, glancing over at Harry. He smiled, which turned into a full blown laughter. I was confused. „What is it? What's so hilariou- eyes on the road!!"

„Sorry, sorry." He laughed. „Nothing, just- do you-." He breathed slowly, calming down a bit. „Do you remember the first time we had Chinese food?"

I blushed, laughing with him at the memory.
One of our dates in the first year we were together, was...disastrous, to say the least. Our relationship was still very new two the both of us and we had decided on a nice, fancy, black tie restaurant. We were both very excited and I was hardly unable to contain myself.
However, our plan fell apart almost from the beginning, when we got to the place and a big red sign hung on the door „CLOSED FOR REPAIRS".

„Oh, that's weird." I had grimaced. „What should we do now?"

„Uh...we could...try the one a few blocks over? Yeah, that's a good place too, I know the owner. He always has a table for me. That'll work!"

I didn't quite care, that our plans didn't go as planned. I loved Harry and he loved me too, so I of course agreed.

„Sure. Sounds great."

I didn't notice how embarrassed he looked when he opened the car door for me, he told me years later how embarrassed he was about the whole thing.

When we got to the next place, Harry immediately got worried, I could tell. It looked very crowded and while the owner usually held a table for Harry, it didn't seem so that night, so he pulled out his phone.

„Hey Chris. Yeah, I'm great. Listen, do you by any chance have a table-." He paused and then his face fell. His voice kept its happy tone though. „No, no problem at all, I understand. Yeah, for sure, another night. Thank you." He hung up, looking more than a little dejected.

I put a hand on his arm. „It's okay, I promise. I didn't just go out with you for the fancy food. We can go anywhere, I'm really not upset."

„Thank you, love. You're very sweet. But really, you deserve a fancy place. Only it seems everyone in the world is determined to make sure we don't get to do that." He huffed. „Maybe..." And he pulled out his phone again, glancing at my curious face. „How do you feel about Chinese?" He asked.

„I love it." I smiled.

„Right then, Chinese it is!" He found the closest place on his phone, driving towards it.

After a few minutes of eating, I looked around the table for a fork. I could handle big foods, like the chicken, with the chopsticks, but definitely not the rice.
Harry asked what I needed and I was a bit embarrassed to tell him I wasn't good enough with chopsticks to eat my rice, but he was kind about it. He helped showing me how to use them without making too big of a mess. Still, I dropped half my plate on a napkin in my lap.

At the end of our meal, I burst out laughing when I picked up my napkin. Harry looked at me, confused, until I placed what was basically a full serving of rice on the table. He was also unable to contain his laughter, to which I responded by throwing a few grains of rice at him.

He threw a balled up napkin at me and I blew a straw wrapper in his face. This escalated until I splashed what was left of my water glass on him. There was silence for a moment and I thought I went too far. Then he looked at me and burst into laughter. I sighed in relief, laughing with him.

„I'm sorry, that was too much." But I couldn't keep the smile off my face at the sight of the water dripping down his face.

„A little water never hurt anyone." He said, his eyes twinkling as he splashed me with his own water.

I was pulled from the happy memory when the car skidded on the ice.

„Careful...if I'd known it was this slippery, we would have found a closer place." I said nervously.

„No, we talked about this, the only good place is the one two towns over. Where we live is not the best place to find good Chinese food."

„Yeah, I know, I know." I said. „I'm happy we finally found a good time to have a night ou-." The car slid just a little too far for my liking. „Harry, are you sure it's safe to be driving on this? I think it's getting worse and- look it's starting to rain." I checked the weather on my phone. „It's at that weird temperature where it's halfway freezing. The road will be worse on the way back."

„I think we're okay." He reassured me. „The car has four wheel drive and I'll go slow. I think the biggest danger is us not getting our Chinese food." He smiled at me.

„Uhh no." I said, rolling my eyes. „I'd say the biggest danger is crashing and dying in a fiery car wreck."

„Always so negative, Grace." Harry laughed. „We're perfectly fine-." He spoke too soon, because right then the car slid again. A lot this time. We almost slid right through a stop sign.
I clutched the armrest.

„We're almost there, you better not kill me before I get my Chinese food, Styles. I finally know how to eat rice with chopsticks without..." I stopped halfway through my sentence, because I was laughing so hard. „Without...dropping all of it on my lap."

I laughed even more at Harry's comment. „Got any more water to throw at me?"

The car slid once more and I gripped onto my seatbelt.
Harry was completely focused on the road. His hands gripped the wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white. I felt a little more nervous seeing this. Harry was an excellent driver and he usually had one hand on the wheel and the other holding mine. He only gripped the wheel this tightly when he felt unsafe driving.

I looked outside the dark sky. I was not a fan of storms, especially ones that make the roads icy. The last few days there was a snow storm in England. It got better, but as soon as it would start to rain, it was almost impossible to drive on the icy roads.

A car sped past us, almost driving into our lane when it went over a particularly icy patch.

„Haz, really, I don't know if we should keep going." I said nervously.

„I know, but I'm not sure what we should do. I think it's safer to just keep going and hope the rain stops. We're about 10 minutes away, but if we turn around it's almost a 2 hour drive."

„'re right. It's better to just keep going. Just...go slow, please." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.

„Stop doing that." He chided in a singsong voice.

„How can you even tell? You weren't even looking at me." I laughed.

„I know how you are when you're nervous, Grace. Biting your cheek won't do anything but hurt."

I smiled. I loved him so much. He knew me so well, better than I knew myself. I was still so in love with him like I was in the beginning of our relationship.

I was so busy thinking about him and us and everything, that I didn't hear the horn blaring. I looked up just in time to see a truck driving straight down the middle of the street towards us.

I cold tell instantly the driver of the truck couldn't do anything. He was sliding on the ice like we did before. Harry jerked the wheel to the left, moving the car out of the way

It wasn't enough...

I heard a horribly loud crashing noise and then there was nothing...

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