Chapter 98

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„Grace?" His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me.

„Hi." I smiled. „Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up."

„You didn't, I was just dozing." He said. „Did you see Avery?" He asked with wide eyes.

„Yeah, I kissed her for you and told her we love her. Gemma is taking good care of her."

„That's good. She is a great aunt." He smiled. „They already prepped me for surgery and the anesthesiologist came and explained everything that would happen."

„Oh okay, when is the surgery?" I asked him and got up to his side to tie his long curls up into a bun.

„In an hour. They said it takes around two and a half hour until the procedure is done."

„I will go crazy while waiting here." I admitted.

„It's gonna be fine, Grace." He reassured me and I nodded.

„How is the pain?" I asked him.

„It's okay, it hurts when I move but the brace helps to hold it still."

„Okay..." We both were silent for a moment. „Harry?" I asked quietly.

„Yes, love?" He looked into my eyes.

„Are you scared?"

„Yeah, a little. The first time I had surgery, I didn't really realize what was happening until I woke up, because I was unconscious, so yeah, it's a little scary to be honest." He admitted.

„I'm really scared, you know? What if something goes wrong? They said it's a major surgery...I need you, Harry."

„Hey, don't even start thinking about that. I'm gonna be fine. They are the best here, you're not gonna lose me." He grabbed my hand to squeeze it.

„I love you, Haz." I hugged him tight and pressed a kiss on his lips." I loved the feeling of his strong arms around me, it made me feel so safe.

„I love you too." He smiled. „Here, take these, I can't wear them during surgery." He started taking off his rings he had on both of his hands.

„Right, I'll take care of them, don't worry. I'll put them on my necklace." I told him and took my necklace off to put them all on it.
I knew how important those rings were for him. Every single one had a special meaning and a story behind it. He wore them not only because he loved them, he wore them because he felt like having all those stories and memories with him every second of the day, mostly at special events like important performances. Those rings were unique and one of the most important things Harry owned.

„Did you know, I didn't take my wedding ring off since the day we got married and you put it on my finger?" He smiled down at the last golden ring he was still wearing and slowly took it off to lay it in my hand.

„I did know, actually. You always refused to take it off, even the boys told me." I giggled. „I didn't take it off either since we got married." I saw I made him happy as I said that. „I'm also still wearing the bracelet with the H on it that you gave me when we got together. Are you still wearing the pendant with the G on it?" I asked him.

„Wearing it every single day." He took his necklace of with the pendant on it and gave it to me. „Ironic how I gave it to you on the day after my knee surgery and now we're sitting right here again." He said.

„I guess that's life...isn't it?"

„That's life." He agreed.

Sadly, the hour passed fast and it was time for him to go into surgery. The nurses came to get him and waited until we said our goodbyes.
I already started crying again but tried to keep it together as good as I could. Seeing my husband going into surgery broke my heart. I always had him to talk to and calm me down when I was in a situation like that, but now he was the one who I was worrying about and I had no one to talk to who would calm me down. I knew I could call Anne, Gemma or Olivia to talk to, but it wasn't the same as talking to Harry. He always had this special effect on me what made me tell him everything that was bothering me in any way.

„Don't cry love, please stop the crying, everything will be okay. I'm gonna be fine, sweetheart." He held my hand.

„I know, I know, I'm sorry." I breathed. „I'll wait right here, okay?"

„Okay, I love you so much, Grace."

„I love you more, Harry." I leaned down to press a big and long kiss on his lips. „I'm gonna be right here when you wake up." I tried to smile at him what didn't work so well.

„Okay." He smiled weakly. „Bye, Gracie." They pushed his bed out of the room, making my hand slip away from his and leaving me alone.

„Bye Hazzie." I whispered to myself as he was already gone.

I tried to distract myself as good as I could while waiting, so I just called Anne after a while and filled her in on what happened. Tears of course fell again but Anne somehow had a way to calm me down.
Harry must have got it from her.

„When will he be out of surgery?" Anne asked me on the phone.

„He is 30 minutes in, so there are still two hours to go and it's driving me crazy already."

„Harry is strong, he will be fine, dear. I'm more worried about the time after the surgery." She said.

„Why is that?" I wondered.

„I heard the first two weeks after an ACL surgery are pretty tough and the pain is massive. He went through it once but this time you two have Avery at home."

„I know, I thought about that a lot today, but I'm not working at the moment, so I think we can manage it somehow." I told her.

„Grace darling, it's too much stress for you, you need someone to help you guys. You gave birth a month ago, you still need to take it easy." She said. „If you want, I can come and stay for a week or so."

„Anne please, you don't have to come all the way to London, it's a four hour drive and Gemma is here, she already offered to help us. She is watching Avery right now, actually."

„Are you sure? I'd love to come and help, you know that." She asked.

„I know, but it's really okay." I told her. „Thank you, Anne."

„Alright, no need to thank me, honey. Call me if you get any news, okay?" She asked.

„I will, love you. Bye." I said.

„Love you too."

I ended the call and put my phone into my pocket. Now it was just me again. I watched some Netflix on my phone with my AirPods in my ears as another hour passed. One to go.
I sat down on the small table in the room and saw some paper on it together with a pen. I decided to draw some clothes and maybe design some new ones, so I could distract myself for a while.
It felt so good, designing clothes again and drawing them down on paper, knowing what I soon would create at the boutique. I still wasn't at the boutique since I gave birth, but I wanted to go the next week, because I missed it so much. I missed making clothes a lot, but I probably could forget going to the boutique since Harry needed my help. Luckily Olivia was at the boutique since I was on maternity leave and handled it really well. Lottie was so nice and wanted to help, so I, of course, didn't say no.

I just hoped Harry wouldn't be too down, knowing he could probably not be at every show. Surely not the first two weeks.

The table in front of me looked like a mess with all the drawings, designs and notes I made. I looked up at the clock and finally, the two and a half hours were over.

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