Chapter 38

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The doorbell rang and my nervousness got worse and worse. In a few seconds I would meet one of the most important person in Harry's life and I was shitting myself.

„Calm down, honey. It will be fine, like I told you." I heard Harry walking past me to open the door.
He placed his hand on the door handle and turned around to look at me.

„Come over here." He smiled.
I slowly made my way to the door and tried to calm myself down.
It will be fine. I told myself over and over again.

Harry opened the door to a beautiful woman with dark hair and a big smile on her face when she saw us.

„Hiii Harry, honey." She stretched out her arms to hug him.

„Hey mum, so good to see you." He wrapped his arms tight around her.
It made me smile when I saw these two together. I could tell just by looking at them how much love they had for each other.

She gave him a few kisses on his cheek before she let go of the hug and turned to me with her beautiful bright smile.
Now I knew where Harry got his from. He looked so much like his mum.

„I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself." She smiled at me.

„Oh, it's okay." I smiled back. I immediately felt comfortable around her. „I'm Grace, it's so nice to finally meet you." I wanted to shake her hand but she immediately came for a hug.

„Call me Anne. Harry talked so much about you, it's so lovely to meet you too." She said while she gave me a warm, lovely hug.


We all had lunch together at a beautiful restaurant and I had some lovely chats with Anne. I loved talking to her and it felt like I could talk to her about just everything for hours. We had some great laughs together and she was very interested in my work, so I told her my story. The story I already told Harry a while ago and I even told her about Jackson and everything he did and happened.
It felt right talking to her about it, I knew she wouldn't tell anyone and she understood. She actually helped me by talking about it and it felt good to let everything out and talk about it with another woman.

„But now I really want to see your boutique." Anne said when we walked out of the restaurant. „Harry showed me lots of pictures of your collections and I'm in love with the clothes you make. They look so beautiful and special." She smiled at me.

„Thank you so much. Maybe we will find something from my new collection for you." I smiled back at her.

„Oh I really hope so." She laughed.


We entered the boutique and I showed her everything. She wanted to see every room and all of my collections I made. I obviously loved to show her everything.

„Wow, everything is so beautiful in here. You did a great job building all that up. It's incredible to see such a talented young woman that is so successful already." My mum told Grace.

„Thank you so much." She smiled at her.
I knew she loved to hear compliments about her work, because she always felt like she wasn't that good and let herself down.
„Well your son is as young as I am and he is even more successful, so you did a great job by raising him." She told my mum and smiled back at me.

„Well thank you." She laughed. „Oh look how lovely that dress looks. It's beautiful." My mum spotted one of the dresses that hung on a hanger on a shelve.

„Do you want to try it on?" Grace asked and took it off the shelve.

„Can I?" She asked, still looking at it.

„Of course, I just finished it a few days ago." Grace told her. „Follow me, I'll show you the changing room." She said and my mum followed her with a look full of happiness.

I knew this could take a while so I sat down on one of the couches. I didn't mind waiting for them because I enjoyed spending time together with them and it made me happy they got along so well. I could already tell my mum loved her.

„How does that look, Harry?" My mum asked when she came out of the changing room with Grace standing and smiling next to her.

„It looks beautiful on you, it fits perfectly." I told her and it was true. Grace made a wonderful dress that suited my mum perfectly.

„I'm in love with it." My mum said and looked at herself in the mirror.

„Take it then, you look stunning in it." Grace told her.

„Should I?"

„Yes, Harry is right, it's perfect for you." Grace said.

„Alright then, I'll take it." She smiled.

She changed back into her clothes and came out of the room with the beautiful dress in her hands.

„How much do I owe you?" My mum asked Grace who was searching for something on her desk.

„Nothing, nothing, you can have it." Grace turned around and smiled at her.

„No, I can't just take it, you put a lot of work in it, I want to pay you for this." My mum insisted.

„Are you crazy? Of course not, you are family and I don't want you to pay me anything for it. It's yours." Grace told her again.

„Come on Grace, let her pay you." I joked around.

„Stop it Harry." She looked at me angrily. „Just look at it as a present." She turned back to my mum.

„Alright fine, thank you so much, Grace." My mum hugged her.

„It's my pleasure. I'll get you a small bag for it, I'll be right back." Grace said and left the room.
My mum came over to me and sat down besides me.

„She is a special girl Harry, hold on to her....don't let her go unless it's the best for her..." She whispered in my ear. „She is different, different than the other girls you dated." She smiled at me.

„I know she is special, I realized that the first time I saw her. Don't worry I only want the best for her." I told her.


„I'm gonna miss you two." Anne said when Harry put her last bags into her car.

„We will miss you too. I loved spending time with you, Anne." I told her after she hugged me and Harry to say goodbye.

„I loved it too and time passed so fast."

„It did but we will see you soon again when we come visit you in Manchester." Harry told her.

„That would be great." Anne smiled and gave Harry a kiss on his cheek before she got in her car.

„Bye guys, see you soon." She said again and started the engine.

„Have a safe ride home." Harry and I both said and waved as she pulled out of the driveway.

„I love your mum. She is the best." I told Harry when we entered the house again.

„I know she is. And I told you, you have nothing to worry about." He swung his arm around my shoulders.

„I admit it, you were right." I rolled my eyes at him.

„That's what I wanted to hear." He laughed at me, so I pulled on one of his curly strainds of hair.

„Oww, what was that for?"

„That was for mocking me." I laughed and made him smile.

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