Chapter 96

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They told me it would take like half an hour to do the MRI so I took the time and checked my phone. I texted Anne what was happening and texted Gem if everything was fine. Gemma quickly replied and I opened her message to see a picture of my precious baby.

„We're having the time of our lives. xxx" Was written under the picture, making me smile.
It was good to know that everything was fine with her while worrying so much about Harry.

„Mrs. Styles?" My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by nurse Barbara.

„Yes?" I jumped out of my seat.

„I just brought your husband back to the examination room, you can go to him now." She smiled.

„Alright, thank you." I made my way towards the room we were in earlier and saw Harry still sitting in the wheelchair with an ice pack on his knee that was now covered in a knee brace.

„How's the pain?" I asked him after I pressed a kiss on his lips.

„Better." He smiled weakly. „They said doctor Jones would come with the results in a few minutes."

„Okay." I grabbed a chair and sat down next to him.

„How is Avery? Is everything alright?" He worriedly asked as if he only now realized she was at home with Gemma.

„She is more than fine, Gemma texted me earlier that everything is okay and she sent me a picture of her." I told him. „Look at our cute little baby." I smiled at the picture when I showed it to him and it cheered him up a bit.

„She is adorable, so cute. Can't believe she is ours." He smiled.

„Me neither, she is our little sunshine."

„She is." He agreed.

There was a knock on the door and doctor Jones came in. He grabbed his chair and sat down in front of me and Harry.

„I'm sorry Mr. Styles but I have some bad news." He started and my heart started racing as he showed us the MRI picture of his knee. „So this here is the knee and that's were your ACL should be-."

„Should be?" Harry asked confused.

„Yes, unfortunately your ACL tore again." He finally said it and I saw how Harry shook his head, looked down to the floor, his hands covering his face while he rested his elbows on his thighs. That was the news none of us wanted to hear.

„How is it possible for it to tear when they fixed it back then?" Harry looked up at him again.

„Well, I could see on the pictures that the surgery unfortunately was not very well performed and it was only a matter of time until it would tear again." Doctor Jones explained.

„So that's why it still hurt me after physical therapy?" Harry asked.

„Yes, that's the reason why it did hurt."

„So, what does that mean now?" I asked the doctor.

„It needs to be surgically repaired again...and that as soon as possible."

I sighed while Harry was surprisingly calm about the situation.

„So, he needs surgery again?" I asked again.

„Yes, correct."

„And how do I know that they won't mess it up again like last time?" I asked him.

„Grace, stop, it's fine." Harry grabbed my hand.

„No, it's not." I exclaimed. „You were in pain for three years, I don't want that to happen again so it will tear again three years later."

„Mrs. Styles, I assure you, we have the best Orthopedic surgeon and he will do a great work on your husband's knee."

I just nodded but still wasn't that convinced. I felt Harry's hand squeezing mine and a kiss on my cheek afterwards.

„It's gonna be fine." He whispered in my ear.

Later, nurse Barbara came in to lead us to Harry's room, because he was having surgery in the afternoon. On our way there, both of us were quiet and I just looked down on the floor while pushing Harry in his wheelchair.

„Here it is and if you need anything, press the red button." The nurse said and left.

I helped Harry onto the bed, still not saying anything. I didn't dare looking him in the eyes but as I stood in front of his bed, I did and just had to start crying.

„Why are you crying love?" He looked at me with concerned eyes. „Don't cry, honey, please. It's okay."

„No, it's not, Harry...Nothing is okay. It's all my fault." I cried.

„What are you talking about, Grace?"

„The accident happened because of me, you had surgery because of me, your knee is messed up because of me and now you have to get surgery again because of me." I sobbed.

„Come here." He said, stretching out his hand. „You have to come here, Grace, I can't move." He chuckled.
I took his hand and sat down in bed next to him.

„I thought we already sorted this out?" He pulled me to his chest. „I don't ever want you to blame you for this, okay? Like I told you for a thousand times already, it's not your fault, Grace."

„I just hate to see you being in pain." I told him.

„It's gonna be okay, love." He smiled at me, making me smile too.

„I have an idea." I let out, wiping away the tears that were on my cheeks. „Since you probably have to stay here a few days, I'll go home to get you some clothes to wear and check on Avery." I told him. „I hope Gemma doesn't mind watching her for the whole day."

„That's a good idea, give her a kiss from me." Harry said, kissing my cheek.

„I will. Are you gonna be fine here alone?"

„I will, the surgery is in the afternoon so you have plenty of time to come back." He told me.

„Okay, I'll be back in two hours tops." I pressed a kiss on his lips."

He nodded. „I love you." I smiled at him.

„I love you too." He smiled back. „And please stop crying, it's gonna be fine."
I nodded and pressed one last big kiss on his lips.

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