Chapter 17

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The next day I went to work early in the morning. I almost didn't sleep the whole night, trying to sort out my feelings and what I should do. My eyes still hurt from all the crying but I was happy to have Harry back in my life again.

So in the morning I made my way down the street to the boutique and continued working on another wedding dress.

I completely focused on that dress but still thought about Harry and what I should do. I didn't want to make a decision that I would regret in the future.

I was upstairs clearing up and putting away some things when I heard the door popping open.

I immediately made my way down the stairs, thinking it was another customer but instead I was greeted with a heartwarming smile of a beautiful, tall guy with brown locks.

I still can't get over the fact that whenever I saw his smile, I got so happy and had to start smiling too. It was so contagious and full of love.

 It was so contagious and full of love

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„Hey love." he said, when I reached him and stood in front of him.

„Hey Harry." I gave him a hug. „Didn't I tell you I need some time to think about this, because if I'm honest, I still don't really know where to put my thoughts and feelings."

„I know, I respect that." He said. „Actually, I am here as a customer." he smiled.

„Oh, you are?" I smiled back.

„Yes. We are nominated for an award and have to go there in a few weeks, so I wanted a suit made from the best one."

„Thank you." I blushed. „And congrats to the nomination."

„Thanks, so will you do it?" he asked.

„Of course. I would be honored." I told him. „Follow me."

I walked with him through the corridor to the tailoring room.

„Wow, that wedding dress looks stunning." he said as we entered the room.

„Thank you, I put a lot of work into it."

„Okay, what color do you want the fabric to be?" I asked him

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„Okay, what color do you want the fabric to be?" I asked him.

„What do you have?" he asked, looking around the room and admiring all the clothes I made.

„I have everything you want, every color or pattern you want."

„I'm not really good at this, so I need your help to chose." he laughed.

„Alright." I smiled. „Let's're always dressed pretty casual in black, grey or white clothes, so why don't you try something a bit more colorful?"

„Sounds good to me, I like colors."

„What do you think about this one?" I asked, pointing at a beautiful, red fabric with some flowers on it. „It's a bit different but it would totally suit you and you would look amazing in it."

„I like it and I trust you, so it's gonna be this one then." he said smiling.

„Great, now come over here, I have to measure you out."

I grabbed a measuring tape and a stool to write down the measures.

„Why do you stand on that stool?" he laughed.

„Because you are too fucking tall for me Styles." I laughed. „Now, stretch out your arms."

He did what I told him to do and as he stretched out his long arms, his muscles showed through his shirt that was now tight around his shoulders. He obviously worked out and it really turned me on.

„You're making this not easy for me." I whispered and immediately saw his grin when I said that, because he knew exactly what I was talking about.

I moved from his arms to his back and then his front until I reached his long legs. He was looking down and smiling at me the whole time, what made me more and more nervous.

„Okay, that was it." I said when I got up on my feet again.

„Great, how much time do you need to finish it?" he asked.

„Well, that depends. When do you need it?"

„We have to go there in around four or five weeks."

„Then I will be done in two to three weeks, is that okay?" I asked him as we both walked back to the front of the boutique.

„That's perfect." he said.

„Look Grace." His face got serious. „I have something for you."

„Harry, no-„

„Just let me give this to you." he said. „We have another show don't have to come and I don't wanna force you to, but it would mean a lot to me, because you're important to me, so at least, please consider it." he said. „If you won't come, I will accept it and assume that you just want us to be friends or something. Is that okay?"

„Mhm, that's okay." I almost whispered.

„That's a front row ticket." he said and placed a piece of paper on the desk in front of me. „I really hope you'll come, because I don't want us to be just friends." he smiled and then turned around to leave.

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