Chapter 36

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„And the winner is..." The host said and Harry's grip tightened around my hand.
I heard my heart pounding and stared at the screen like all the others did.

„Please, please, please." I whispered to myself.

„One Direction!" The host said, Best song ever started playing and we all started screaming.

„Oh my god, you won!" I yelled and we both jumped up from our seats.

„I can't believe it." He smiled at me and wrapped his arms tight around me.

„I'm so proud of you." I told him when he let go of me.
He place several kissed on my face and smiled at me like an idiot.

„Now go on stage and get that brit." I told them after hugging them all.

Everybody was clapping for them when they made their way on stage. Lottie and I were proudly standing and clapping for them until they reached the stage.
Liam accepted the award and every one of them said something into the mic.

„Thank you so so much to all of you, we are so honored to be here and it's all because of you." Liam said.

„Thank you for all the support you gave us over these years and still do. We love you so much, you are the best fans ever. We weren't here if it wasn't for you, so thank you all so much." Harry added.

While the other three were talking, I saw how Harry searched for me in the audience and when he found my eyes, he started smiling at me.

„I love you." I whispered, smiling at him so he could read my lips and it made his smile even bigger.

I was so happy they won, they deserved it so much and I could tell the boys were all over the moon

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I was so happy they won, they deserved it so much and I could tell the boys were all over the moon.

„I am so proud of you." I hugged Harry tight again when they came back.

„I love you so much." He said and smacked a kiss on my lips.

„I love you more." I whispered in his ear, while he pulled me to his chest again.


We were on our way to the afterparty where the boys would celebrate their win. Harry was holding tight onto my hand when we walked in the giant venue with a huge bar, because there were lots of people. There were mostly the people that were earlier at the brits but I also spotted some I never saw before in my life. There was playing loud music and in the middle of the venue was a stage to do some sort of karaoke, I guessed.

We sat down around a small table and the boys, Lottie and I had the time of our lives. After a few hours I could tell some of the boys were getting a bit tipsy, espescially Louis, Liam and Niall.
While the others already had a few drinks, Harry was still sipping on his second, like me.
Normally Harry was more the type like Louis, who liked to celebrate and get a few drinks but tonight he wasn't.

„Are you not happy?" I asked him watching how he played with the straw that was in his drink.

„I am more than happy, I am over the moon, why do you ask?" He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table.

„I don't know, usually you would be more like the others and you know, getting a bit drunk." I told him.

He started smiling at me.
„I would, but I will not, because I don't want you to be stuck with a drunk me you have to get home."

„It's nice of you to think about that." I laughed.

„Shit, I still have to talk to some people, I'll be right back." Harry told me, as he realized he totally forgot about that.

I nodded and smiled at him when he got up and disappeared between the huge crowd of people.
The boys and Lottie were dancing around somewhere in the crowd, what meant I was alone, so I made my way towards the bar and ordered another drink.
I sipped on my cocktail and turned around to look at the crowd, wondering where Harry could be. I couldn't spot the tall, curly head anywhere. He must have been in another room or something. I would have felt it, if he was in the same room as I was, because he just had this strong presence whenever he entered a room. It made me feel safe somehow when I felt it, knowing he was here, but now he wasn't and I could feel that.

I jumped as suddenly someone made contact with my shoulder when I was leaning against the bar counter.

„Hello beautiful lady, I can see your drink is getting a bit low, may I get you another drink?"
I looked up to a guy with a leather jacket, that was now clearly closer to me as he should have been. He had messy blonde hair and a disgusting smirk on his face.

„No, thank you." I politely smiled at him.

But he suddenly became pretty insistent.

„Aw come on, I just want to buy a beautiful woman a drink, can I not do that?" He came closer again and stared at me.
I turned him down for a second time but his inability to take rejection began to make me uncomfortable.

„One drink?" He smiled at me. „I'm not a creep, I promise."

„Well usually when you have to justify that, you kind of are." I told him and moved a bit to my left to have some distance between us.

„I'll get you a drink now." He came closer again. His eyes were glassy and I could smell the vodka on his breath.

„Look, I'm not interested." I tried to keep my face neutral, even though I was literally about to cry. The guy scared me and I didn't dare to annoy him. He didn't seem the type of guys that took rejection well.

„I have a boyfriend, it's just not going to happen." My voice got quieter, hoping I would get rid of him.

„Aw sweetheart..." He placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned in, encroaching further on my personal space. „I won't tell if you won't." He came closer and closer and his grip tightened on my shoulder. Suddenly all the memories of my past I had with Jackson came up. My heart raced and I was ready to get hit again. I knew just in a few seconds something would happen and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I tried to look past him to find Harry somewhere between the people but he wasn't there. I didn't see him anywhere.
I breathed heavily, hoping someone would notice and help but everyone seemed drunk or just having and didn't pay attention.

Suddenly a shadow appeared over the counter and the guy was pushed away from me.

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