Chapter 35

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„You guys will be great as always." I told Harry who was ready to get up from his seat. „But remember, you're still not fully fit, so take it easy and don't dance and jump around too much please."

„I will take it easy." He smiled at me.

„Promise?" I asked him.

„Promise." He said and pressed his lips on mine. „See you later."

„Have fun." I told him and watched how he walked away with the boys.

„You two are such an amazing couple." Lottie said as she watched me watching after Harry.

„You think?" I giggled.

„Yes, I can see how much love he has for you and you for him." She told me. „You're very important to him and he cares a lot about you. I can see it in his eyes."

„Really?" I smiled at the thought of that.
I knew he loved me but I wasn't sure if he truly did and that people could see it.

„Yeah." She smiled at me. „Just the way he looks at you. It's adorable."

„I don't know what to say." I smiled at her. „I'm really happy to hear that." I told her.

„It's just the truth." She smiled.

I loved Lottie, she was a really good friend and always here to talk. She and Gemma were like the sisters I never had.

We heard how one of the hosts announced One Direction and saw how they appeared on stage shortly after that.
I knew thy would sing three songs. They started with Story of my life, went on with Ready to run and after that they sang Midnight Memories.

 They started with Story of my life, went on with Ready to run and after that they sang Midnight Memories

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I saw how Harry still danced and jumped around during Midnight Memories

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I saw how Harry still danced and jumped around during Midnight Memories. I knew it wasn't good for him but he seemed like he was okay and just happy to perform.
They finished their performance and everyone cheered for them. They were awesome as always.
Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall left the stage while Harry was the last one who slowly walked off and went backstage.
A few minutes later they came back to our table.

„Where's Harry?" I asked Zayn when I didn't see him anywhere.

„He is coming, he was right behind us." Zayn told me.

I looked around and finally saw him slowly walking towards us. He walked slightly hunched over with his hand on his belly.

„You okay?" I asked him when he made it to the table.

„Not really." He answered. I worriedly looked at him, trying to figure out what was wrong.

„Sit down first." I told him and got up to grab his chair.

He slowly sat down and bent over with his hand on his belly.

„What hurts?" I asked him.

„The fucking incision." He said. „I think I overstrained myself on stage...I thought everything was fine until we finished singing and the pain suddenly kicked in." Harry explained.

„I knew something was wrong when you got off stage." I told him. „Do you want to take your pills?"

„Mhm." He instantly nodded so I took my purse and got him the pill.

„Here. It should be better soon." I told him and he swallowed it with a sip of water.

Already a few minutes later the category came up they were nominated for.
Harry told me they were nominated for the best british single and I really hoped they would win.

„Are you feeling better?" I whispered to Harry.

„Yes, much better, thank you." he whispered back.

When they listed the nominees, I felt how Harry grabbed my hand, looking at the big screen. I knew he wanted to win, they all wanted to win and he would obviously be a bit disappointed when they didn't.

I laid my other hand on his and placed a kiss on his cheek.

„And the winner is..." The host said and Harry's grip tightened around my hand.

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