Chapter 108

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November 2018


I woke up in my hotel room to my phone ringing that was on my nightstand. I rubbed my eyes and turned to my side, unplugging my phone to see it was Grace calling me.

I was in LA for a few days with the boys right now because of promo interviews while Grace stayed at home with Avery.

I really missed them already and was only four days here, so I immediately answered her call.

„Hey, love. Everything okay?" I asked her and sat back against my pillow in bed.

„Hey Haz, we're fine." She said and I knew she was smiling just by hearing her voice. „You sound tired, did I wake you up?"

„Kind of, it's 3 am here." I chuckled. „But it's alright."

„Oh no, I totally forgot the time zones, it's 7 pm here. I'm so sorry." She apologized sweetly.

„No, it's fine, don't worry. I miss you." I told her.

„I miss you too, but I actually have to tell you something." She said.

„What is it?" I wondered.

„Well, I got a call today and got invited to the late late show again, but this time they want just me, so here I am, sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight." She explained. „And the best part is, I can stay at your hotel and we can be together."

„Wow, that's great! I'm so happy for you." I smiled even though I knew she couldn't see me. „Wait, is Avery with you? You're not on your own, are you?"

„Of course Avery is with me, I couldn't leave her here in London." She answered. „And Paul and some other members of the security are here, they got me through the airport and to some sort of private area."

„Good, that's good."

„It will be Avery's first flight, so I'm a little nervous, but she is pretty calm, so I think it will be fine." She then said. „I'm just scared of attracting people when she starts crying and they realize who I am."

„She is a calm baby, it will be fine, don't worry and Paul will be there to help too."

„Right. My flight takes off shortly, I have to go in a few minutes." She told me.

„Well when will you land?" I asked her.

„It will be 1 pm in LA when I land." She said.

„I'm coming to pick you two up then."

„That would be great, but are you sure you have the time to come?" She asked.

„Yes, we have interviews till noon, so I'll make it." I explained.

„Great, I'm so happy to see you again." She said.

„You can't imagine how happy I am to see you guys."

„It's only been four days, bu-." She stopped. „Sorry I have to go, they're calling my flight. I love you and see you in a few hours."

„I love you too, have a good flight and kiss Avery for me." I told her.

„I will, thank you. Bye Haz."

„Bye, Grace." I hung up, smiling and fell back to sleep, hoping the time would pass fast so I could see them soon.

In the morning, I just wanted to be done with the interviews so I could go to the airport and see Grace and Avery. Finally when it was noon and management let us go, I headed straight to the airport with one of our bodyguards and made it just in time.

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