Chapter 57

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„Hi." He smiled at me and took my hands when I made it to the alter. Apparently, I was not the only one with glassy eyes.

„Hi." I looked at him, into his crystal clear, green eyes, trying to hold back all my tears that were inside of me.
He looked so handsome in his beautiful black tux and his curly, long, chocolate brown hair falling on his shoulders. He looked taller than usual and he had this special smile on his face, that smile that made me feel so happy and safe.

„You look breathtaking, just beautiful." He grinned at me.

„Thank you, so do you." I smiled, letting out a laugh.

The ceremony started and the time came where we had to say our vows. Harry started and I knew I would start to cry as soon as he started talking.

„The day, we met, the day where the universe wanted us to bump into each other and fall on the wet ground together, was the day that changed my life forever." He started and I had to take deep breaths as I felt some tears already falling down my cheeks.
„When I saw you standing in front of me, completely wet, I looked at you, at your beautiful face and just had to start smiling, because from that moment, I knew you were the one. The one and only. It wasn't easy for us in the beginning, you were hurt and broken but we still found each other again. Our love was just stronger than anything else. You once told me that love is only for the brave and you were right, it is. You were brave enough to love again during a very hard time, you were brave enough to let me love you...and here we are on our wedding day." He smiled at me as I couldn't stop the tears anymore. He gently squeezed my hands and continued. „I promise you, I will love and respect you for the rest of our lives. I will protect you and care about you, god, I would give my life for you. You are the love of my life, my soulmate and I don't want to ever lose you. I love you Grace." He finished and started crying himself.

I looked to the guests who held tissues in their hands, drying their tears. I saw how Anne and my mum smiled at us with a face full of tears. But now it was my turn and I didn't know if I could do it with my shaky voice but I took a deep breath again and started talking, looking Harry straight into his eyes.

„Two years ago, I never would have imagined to find someone again who loves me and respects me, who truly cares about me, who protects me and accepts me for who I am, with all the little things that are positive and negative about me. I thought I would forever be heartbroken but then on that rainy day, you came into my life. I was scared, scared of getting heartbroken again. I was scared of commitment. I didn't know anymore how real love felt, how it felt to be safe. But there was just something special about you that wouldn't let me stop form falling for you, from falling in love with you...You taught me what it means to trust someone, to love someone, to let someone love me and to be happy again. Things I thought I would never experience anymore. I love you so much Harry and I will love you forever. I am so thankful that you saved me, you saved me from my past and introduced me to a new life. That day under the rain, You Found Me, Harry. You found me and you changed our lives by doing that." I sobbed during the last part. Harry pulled me into a hug, smiling at me afterwards as the guests started clapping.


„Harry Styles, do you take Grace Montgomery to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked him while Harry had his eyes fixed on me.

„I do." He said, looking deep into my eyes, smiling at me while holding my hands with our new wedding rings on our fingers.

„Grace Montgomery, do you take Harry Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" He asked me, ready to say the answer to this question.

„I do." I gave Harry the brightest smile I had, what made him smile even more.

„I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest smiled at us. „You may now kiss your bride."

Harry lifted up my veil, placed one hand on my waist and one on my neck. He pulled me close to him until his chest touched mine.

„I love you so much, Grace Styles." He smiled an bent down to press his lips on mine as the room erupted into applause.

As he said my new name out loud, it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach and it made me so happy. Harry was now officially my husband and I was his wife.

„I love you too, Harry Styles. You just made me the happiest woman in the world." I told him.


After the ceremony we had dinner outside. We received lots of presents and congratulations. I talked to some of Harry's cousins that I never met before and it didn't surprise me when I saw how polite and kind they were.

I sat around a table with Gemma and Olivia, eating another piece of our wedding cake we cut earlier.

„Sorry to interrupt but is Mrs. Styles here ready for our first dance? Or is she busy eating a cake?" Harry came from behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder as he leaned forward to steal a bite of my cake.

„Hey! That's mine." I laughed.

„Mrs. Style is ready for your first dance." Olivia said as she took away my plate with the cake on it.

„Heyy!" I frowned at her but she just sassily grinned at me. „You can eat that later."

„Fine." I turned to Harry and took his hand he held out for me to get up.
We headed to the dance floor what wasn't really a dance floor since we were at the beach, walking in the sand.
We set up a small stage for the live band to play but when we stood in front of it, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis were standing in front of their mics, waiting for us to be ready for the dance.

Luckily Harry hired security so we could have our wedding on the beach in peace without the fans or paparazzi bothering us. He really thought of everything to make this day perfect.

„You ready?" Harry smiled at me.

„Just a second." I said and ran to the side to het my heels off so I could dance barefoot in the sand.

„Now I am." I grinned at him when I came back and placed my hands in his again. „So what song did you pick out for our dance and why are the boys singing it?"

„You'll see in a few seconds." He smiled and looked to the boys, nodding at them as a sign for them to start singing.

The music started and I immediately realized what song it was.

„Harry Styles, you remembered?" I surprisingly asked him when they started singing our song, You're Still The One by Shania Twain.

After Harry proposed, I told him how much it would mean to me if we first danced to this song at our wedding and he remembered.

„Of course I did, what do you think?" He placed his hands on my waist while I placed mine around his neck and interlocked my fingers behind his neck. He pulled me close to his chest so I could rest my head against his cheek and we started slow dancing to our favorite song...our song.

The boys sang it so well and it sounded so beautiful with all four of their special and unique voices.

„Are you still scared?" Harry whispered in my ear at some point.

„No, not anymore. As soon as I saw you when I walked to the alter, all my worries and fears immediately faded." I whispered back and placed my arm on his back.

„I told you it's gonna be fine, love." He said. „You can't imagine how happy I am right now, Grace."

„Oh I can." I giggled. „I love you so much Harry Styles."

„I love you too, Grace Styles." He smiled. „Your new name suits you."

„Thanks, I love it." I smiled.

He looked at me, insanely smiling at me and pressed his lips on mine before we went on dancing arm in arm.

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