Chapter 112

107 1 0

November 2018


I woke up to the crying of my baby and opened my eyes to see Harry standing in the doorway with Avery in his arms, calming her down.

„A shower is better when you're in it." He grinned at me as I rubbed my eyes and sat back up.

„I uh- I closed my eyes for two seconds." I told him while I got up on my feet.

„Sure." He let out a laugh.

„Is she alright? Does she need anything?" I asked, kissing the top of her head when I got closer.

„She is alright, you go take a shower. I got everything that was on the list and I'll be downstairs." He pressed a kiss against my cheek. „Take your time." He smiled at me.

„Thank you." I got on my tip toes to kiss him on his lips.


Two hours later, Harry had to leave to go to the arena for the show tonight. I knew he would be home later than usual, it was always like that when the boys had to do a show. I usually was always asleep when he got home and didn't exactly know what time he came home, but I always felt his arms wrapping around me during the night, making me know he was there.

Normally, I went to sleep early, at around 10 pm, like I did tonight. I was exhausted after that day, so I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up again at midnight to the sound of something hitting the floor.

I instantly got up and slowly walked down the stairs to see the light of one of the lamp that was in the kitchen and a curly head standing in front of the kitchen sink.

„God, you scared me, Haz." I breathed out, walking towards him.

„Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. My keys fell out of my pocket." He said, his voice quieter and weaker than usual.

„What's wrong, Harry?" I asked concerned. „What are you even doing here in the kitchen at midnight?"

„I need ice or something cooling." He said with his hand on his forehead.

„Why? What happened?" I asked him, even more concerned.

„During the encore, one of the fans threw a full red bull can at me and it hit me right above my eye." He explained, making me frown.

„What?!" I tried to be quiet as I almost yelled. „You got hit with a red bull can?"

„Yeah...and it fucking hurts and my head is pounding." He told me and finally turned around to face me.

He was still very sweaty, his black shirt stuck on his skin and his hair was wet.

„Come on, I'll take a look at it." I took his hand and led him to the living room, turning the lights on on our way there. He sat down on the couch squeezing his eyes shut.

„It must hurt a lot huh?" I ran my hand through his hair and tied them up into a bun afterwards so it was out of his face.

„It does. I came straight home after the show ended." He sighed. „Is it bleeding? I checked during the show but didn't see any blood.

„No, no it's not, but there's a bump and a slight bruise." I told him after I ran my finger over his face. „I'll get you an ice pack."

He nodded and I got up to get to the freezer. He pressed the ice on his face as soon as I brought it to him and let himself fall back into some pillows.

„What brainless person throws a full red bull can at someone? You got hurt for fuck sake." I got mad at the thought of someone hurting him.

„I have no idea." He breathed. „There is a video all around the media already." He told me, handing me his phone with his eyes closed.

I took it out of his hand and unlocked it to go on Instagram. It popped up as soon as I opened the app.

„Ouch! What the hell?!" I let out. „This is making me furious." I watched it again to see it was a girl. „I hope she apologizes for what she did."

„It's fine. I'm alright." He whispered with his eyes still closed.

„It could have hit your eye." I let out and crouched down in front of him to get his boots off his feet.

„It didn't. My head just hurts." He assured me as he crawled further onto the couch to lay down with his hands over his head.

„Did you get home alone?" I wondered.

„Mhm." He nodded.

„You drove like this? Do the boys know about this?"

„No, I think they didn't see what happened." He told me. „Fuck, it hurts so bad."

„Here." I lifted his head up to place a soft cushion under it. „I'll get you something, wait here."

I got to the kitchen to get a cloth and soaked it in cold water. I wrung it out and got back to the living room to see Harry already sleeping like a baby. I didn't want to wake him up, so I quietly laid the cloth on his forehead and pressed a soft kiss on his head.

I got a fluffy, warm blanket and laid it over him so he wouldn't get cold.

I turned off the lights everywhere and got upstairs in bed to go back to sleep.

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