Chapter 80

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July, 37 weeks


I rolled onto my back with a small groan. Nothing was working, I was overly tired, frustrated, in pain and hungry. I was so uncomfortable, I actually wanted to scream. My stomach was massive, a giant lump sticking into the air and because of that, no position in bed was comfy.

Literally not one, my back hurt, I hated sleeping on my side, my stomach was clearly not an option, and Harry was curled into a tight ball which meant no cuddles.

Being 37 weeks pregnant was hard, all I really wanted was for the baby to come out already. On top of not being able to find a position to sleep in, I never slept more than an hour at a time. Tonight especially, I had been experiencing Braxton hicks contractions most of the night again, like those I had when we were in Manchester, some of them leaving me in tears.

I placed my hand on my stomach and could feel her kicking around.

„I go to bed and you're wide awake but the minute I get an ultrasound you're curled in a ball sleeping." I whispered to myself.

I could feel her tiny feet pushing through the skin of my stomach, giving me butterflies and a smile. There was just something so strange about feeling a baby kick within me, and while it was strange it was a beautiful part of pregnancy that I would for sure miss. Every kick still felt so special like the first I ever felt.

But of course, right now I just wished she would sit still and go to sleep so maybe I could also get some sleep as well.

I winced in pain as I felt another contraction come on. I was focussing on my breathing when Harry rolled over concerned.

„You okay sweetheart?" He asked, his voice extra deep with sleep. I held up a finger and sat up, trying to breathe through the pain. He held my hand and rubbed my back anxiously.

„Should we call the doctor and go in to get everything checked out? How regular are your contractions?"

He was beginning to panic. I took a deep breath and squeezed his hand while attempting a smile.

„I'll be okay...ohh...Don't call the doctor...they are just Braxton hicks..." I breathed deeply and continued holding his hand. After a minute the contraction seemed to have ended and I no longer felt like I was about to push the baby out as I fell back into my pillow.

„Ive been having Braxton hicks all night. Seems our little one was extra active and pushy once again tonight." I laughed, rubbing the massive belly.

Harry lifted up my t-shirt and smiled. He pressed a couple kisses around the belly and then one on my lips.

„You're incredible, have I told you that before?" He smiled.

I laughed and nodded. „Not that I wouldn't take it again though."

He kissed my lips.

„You, Grace..." Another kiss. „...are the strongest, most incredible woman..." His lips were pressing against mine longer this time.

„I have ever met and there is absolutely no one else in this world I would want to make this amazing little human with."

As he was finished with the kisses, I felt another contraction coming on and I whined in pain. Harry sat next to me, pulling my body against his chest.

„Breathe honey, it'll be okay." He sat there doing my pregnancy breathing exercises with me as I waited for the contraction to end.

„Ahhh." I groaned, holding onto my stomach and leaning the back of my head against Harry's shoulder.

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