Chapter 110

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November 2018
„Okay, okay." I laughed. „It was July 28th, I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant. The boys had a show that night and I really wanted to go. So I felt like going and everything was alright, until I think it was halfway through the show when my contractions started. It was way too soon to go to the hospital so we had to wait for another hour. And on our way to the car after that hour passed, my water broke." I explained. „Unfortunately, because of the post concert traffic, it took us an hour and a half to get to the hospital. Everything just went so fast and before I knew it, Avery was born in the middle of London on the backseat of a van, right into Harry's arms. She was the most beautiful little creature I ever saw in my life and that moment was so special and wonderful to me and Harry." I finished telling the story, almost starting to cry at the thought as the picture of Harry, me and Avery appeared in the background, that Anne took of us right after she was born.

„Awww." I heard James and the audience again.

„Where did you get that picture?" I wondered, letting out a laugh.

„Your husband sent it to me." James said and it made me smile. Of course he did. „So how is he with Avery? Does he help?" He winked at me.

„He does, he does nothing but help." I told him. „Harry is a great father."

We went on talking about the fashion show and my new collection.

„So, how did you come up with the ideas for your new collection?"

„Well, I drew the first few dresses when Harry was at the hospital and I don't know, I always have something new in mind that I want to do and as soon as I draw them down, more and more ideas come to my mind." I told him.

„You said Harry was at the hospital, is he alright?" He wondered, sincerely worried.

„Oh, yes, his acl snapped, so had to get knee surgery two months ago and while he was out, I distracted myself by drawing clothes."

„Well, that's a good way to make a new collection." He let out a laugh. „Hopefully everything is fine though."

„He is fine. Currently a slow walker, but fine otherwise."

I kind of really loved that interview, because it was like talking to an old friend and it didn't feel forced or uncomfortable. The questions were okay and honestly, that was the thing I was most scared of. I didn't want to answer questions I was uncomfortable with, but since we knew James, he knew what questions I didn't want to answer and respected that.

„Grace, it was so great to have you here, thank you so much for coming."

„I thank you for having me." I smiled at him.

„Grace Styles everybody!" He called out and made the audience cheer again.


„You were great, love." Harry pressed a kiss on my head when I came back to the dressing room.

„Thank you, I was so nervous, but it went well after all." I breathed our of relief and wrapped my arms around his body, leaning against his chest and glancing over to Avery who was sleeping in her stroller next to the couch.

He placed his arms around my waist and interlocked his fingers behind my back.

We went back to the hotel a little while later and ate dinner at the restaurant downstairs.
It was nice to have some time together, just the three of us. Sometimes it was hard to have some minutes just for us when we were out in public. Always having to be surrounded by fans or paparazzi or just people who knew who we were, mostly who Harry was, was sometimes very overwhelming. And now, that we had Avery, it stressed us out even more, especially Harry.
He loved Avery so, so much, that I didn't even know how to put it in words. His heart was beating for that precious baby and he would kill everyone who dared to lay hands on her.

So he did everything he could to protect her from everything and everyone. Being in public with a four month old baby, surrounded by a crowd of people was far from easy. I always felt anxious and stressed out when we had a situation like that.

Being in that restaurant, just the three of us without anyone around us, felt so refreshing and calm and I enjoyed every second of being with my daughter and husband and just talk.

We got upstairs to our room after Avery started crying. After changing into some sweatpants, I sat down on the bed to feed her since she was hungry. Every time I looked down at her into her shiny little eyes, I remembered the first time seeing her after she was born.

„I love you so much my angel." I whispered, smiling down at her. „You don't even know how much we both love you, Avery, but just so you know, we will always love you and be here for you. You are our little sunshine. You know, when I first found out about you, I couldn't believe it, because you are our miracle. We would have never thought to be able to have you, so we were so happy when we found out you were on your way into our lives."

„And now you're here and we still can't believe it." Harry said as he came out of the bathroom, sitting down next to me and leaning over to press a kiss on Avery's head.

He rubbed his hand over the thigh of my crossed legs and smiled at me.

„What?" I chuckled as he continued staring at me.

„Nothing." He ran his finger over Avery's cheek. „I'm just sorry I can't spend more time with you two."

„Don't be, Haz." I breathed. „I already told you it's fine. You came here for work, nothing else."

„Yeah, but still." He rolled over in bed so he laid on his back. „I just want to spend some time with my wife and daughter. I feel bad to leave you alone here while I have to do those interviews."

„Harry stop." I started running my hand through his hair. „Don't feel bad, it's just one day. Avery and I will have a great time here. I'm thinking of taking her baby clothes shopping to the mall down the street. And we'll see you tomorrow night again when we fly back home."

„Okay, but when you do go shopping, just be careful."

„I will, don't worry." I smiled at him and got up to lay Avery down in her crib after she finished eating.

„And Harry?" I climbed back in bed under the warm sheet.

„Yeah?" He turned on his side to face me.

„Please don't be so hard on yourself. I know how hard you're working and I just want you to know you don't have to feel bad about not being home all the time." I told him, crawling in his arms as he held them out for me. „I can see how it bothers you. You're a great dad, the greatest and nobody can take that away from you."

I felt his breathing in the back of my neck. „Thank you. I needed that." He said, pressing a kiss on the back of my head.

The next day, I did what I said. While Harry was working, I took Avery with me outside and went to the mall to get some things I needed. I had a nice day with her and was lucky that not much people recognized me. I had some interactions with Harry's fans, but they were pretty nice.
I went on a walk in the park that was nearby and bent down to tuck Avery into her warm blanket I took with me today. Even though I dressed her as warm as I could, I was still scared it would be too cold for her, so I made sure I had something with me to wrap her into.
I heard the notification sound on my phone and took it out of my pocket to read the message.

„Uugh, no..." I whispered a little louder.

" I whispered a little louder

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