Chapter 78

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June, 34 weeks


I shifted and turned in bed. Princess was once again throwing her own little party in my stomach while I was trying to sleep. On top of her constant kicking, she was moving lower. I tried to sit up and sighed, having to use the bathroom once again. I couldn't even sit up on my own. Harry placed his hand on my back and helped me out of bed. I slid on my slippers when I was finally standing on my feet.

„Thank you." I mumbled.

„Did you sleep well, sweetie?" His voice was raspy.

„What do you think?" I called from the bathroom. He chuckled as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

„Someone's grumpy. Want me to make you that strawberry-pineapple smoothie you like?" He kept brushing his teeth and slid away from the sink so I could wash my hands.

„Yes please-." I groaned and clutched my stomach. Fear automatically flashed in Harry's eyes as he tried to help me stand straight. This being my first pregnancy, all of the movement was confusing and a bit scary at times, especially because of the fact, that I wasn't even able to have kids at first.

„I'm fine, she's just moving around a bit. Do we really have to go to that wedding later?"

„Yes, Grace. It's my cousin's wedding, our moms practically raised us together. I'd be an ass to not show up."

„Okay, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm eight months pregnant. I really feel uncomfortable, I don't wanna be around so many people." I wined and walked out of the bathroom.

„Honey, we already sent our RSVP."

„Okay, fine. But you're making it up to me later." I winked and planted a kiss on his lips.

As pretty as my dress was and as much as Harry told me ,Everything will be fine', I couldn't help but feel like it wouldn't be. I felt like the walls of Anne's home were closing in me, probably because of the amount of people in the small house. As much as I loved Harry's family, I wanted to leave.

After the shooting, Harry wanted to get away from London for a bit to calm down and process what happened. He thought the best place to stay at was Anne's house. I was totally fine with that and looked forward to the time with her. She always wanted us to stay for a few days or weeks and besides, Harry's cousin invited us to his wedding that took place there so it was an opportunity to stay longer than we planned, but right now, I just wanted to go back home. Luckily after the wedding we would drive back home to London.

„There you are, I've been looking for you!" Gemma's voice called. She arrived two days ago and stayed with all of us in Anne's house.

The baby gave another kick to my stomach.

„Hey, Gem-." I gasped loudly as I felt the sharp pain. A few family members stopped as they looked over at me. It was much worse than anything I felt this morning.

„Everything okay? Come on." I grabbed onto Gemma's arm with the one that wasn't holding my stomach.

Harry was nowhere in sight which made things even worse. A few aunts and cousins stopped to ask if everything was okay. I didn't want to come to the wedding in the first place and now this was happening.

Gemma led me up to her old room, slowly closing the door behind us. Since Gemma was one of my best friends, I was pretty relieved she was with me, even though I wanted Harry with me at that moment.

I sat on the edge of the bed, letting out deep breaths. Something about these kicks and pains were different from the ones I felt earlier that morning. They were stronger and more intense, they also came a lot faster than they did that morning. Tears formed in my eyes at the pain, fearing that I was going into labor.

„Grace, stand up so I can unzip your dress." Gemma softly said while helping me up. „Grace, did your water break?"


I sighed as I passed another faceless family member. Most of them I didn't even know. I figured that they were the Bride's family and not my own. I lost Grace fifteen minutes earlier while talking to my grandmother. There were too many people for me to recognize Grace's white, flowery dress and round baby bump.

„Harry!" My mum yelled as she came down the stairs. She quickly ran to me and grabbed my hand, dragging me up the stairs with her. „I think Grace's gone into labor, I sent your aunt Erin upstairs to go check but I don't know."


I sat up slowly once Erin was done looking at me, slightly embarrassed due to the fact that she had to check if I was going into labor or not, meaning she had to take a peek downstairs...

Harry walked into the room, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

„Why am I hearing that you're going into labor?" Harry laughed nervously as he came to my side. „I thought I told you to keep that baby until-."

„Harry Edward!" Anne screamed.

I laughed lightly as I smoothed out my shirt. Harry's hand rubbed my large bump. The pain didn't stop, but it seemed like it faded at his hand. His hands seeming to make the pain go away. Erin gave me a small smile and took a deep breath. It was my first time meeting the woman and she had already seen more of me than Harry did in the first few months of our relationship.

„You're not going into labor, those aren't contractions. They're Braxton hicks. They're completely normal, they help get more blood flow to the placenta and soften the cervix. It means you're doing too much. When was the last time you two had a day in?"

My eyes met Harry's. „We've been busy-."

„That's no excuse." She shook her head and covered my legs with the blanket. „You can't stretch yourself too thin, especially now that you're pregnant. It's bad for mummy and baby."

Anne slapped the back of Harry's head. „What have you got her doing here? She needs to be at home sleeping in your bed. You two are staying here another night. Grace, you're not leaving the bed. Harry be the amazing father and husband I raised you to be."

Anne was serious about us two not leaving the bed. She moved a TV into the guest room and left us bottles of water. Apparently staying hydrated would help the false contractions go away. Harry laid beside me, holding his beats so that the ear parts were on either side of my bump.

„What's she listening to?" I asked, looking up to Harry.

Harry chuckled as he looked at his phone. „Apparently Night Changes. Didn't even plan that one." He rubbed my stomach softly and looked into my eyes. „I'm sorry I pushed you to do too much, love. We should have stayed home when you said you weren't feeling well."

„It's okay, Haz." I smiled and rubbed his hair. „But please, can we go home tomorrow? I wanna sleep in my bed and stay at our home. I can rest there too, you know?"

„I know, sweetheart, we will go home tomorrow, I promise." He smiled at me and pressed his lips on mine.

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