Chapter 41

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Harry and I have been engaged for a month now and I still couldn't believe we would get married soon. It was still weird to look at my hand and see the beautiful ring he put on my finger that night. Harry told me I could plan the wedding however I wanted to and decide where we would get married. He said he would help wherever he can and support me, but I didn't even start to plan anything yet. I told him I first wanted to enjoy the time of being engaged for a while and slowly start to plan the wedding and he was totally fine with that.

I was at home together with Olivia, watching a movie. We didn't hang out a lot the past few weeks, so we decided to have a day just for us two, doing girl stuff. Harry was at the studio anyways so it was the perfect day to hang out together.
I sat on the couch while Olivia got up to get us popcorn for the movie.

„Grace, your phone is ringing?" I heard her calling from the kitchen.

„Is it Harry? He told me he would call me later." I got up to get my phone she already held in her hands and was on her way bringing it to me.

„No, it's a weird number, I've never seen it before but it seems like someone is calling from the US." She said as I grabbed my phone. I frowned but still answered the call.

When the person on the other end told me who was talking to me, I went to another room to talk to the person in private.

„Who was it?" Olivia asked me when I came back. She sat on the couch, eating chips, waiting for me to come back and continue watching the movie.

I made my way to the kitchen table, placed my phone on it and sat down.

„What?" She asked when she looked at me. „Did something happen?"

„That was Anna Wintour..." I told her.

„Who is that and what did she want?"

„Anna Wintour is the editor in chief of Vogue magazine, one of the most successful women in fashion industry and she just offered me a job to be the head fashion designer of Vogue..." I explained.

„OMG Grace, are you kidding me?! That is incredible!!" She yelled and came to hug me. „Why are you not freaking out of happiness?" She asked when she let go of me.

That was when I told her the rest of the story.

„You have to tell Harry now, Grace." She said after my explanation.

„I can't, he is at the studio working, I can't just go there because of this." I told her, rubbing my eyes because I didn't know what to do.

„You have to, he has to know, now. He is your fiancé, you can't wait until tonight." Olivia insisted.

„And what should I tell him?"

„You tell him exactly what you just told me." She said.

„It will break his heart, I don't wanna do this." I told her.

„I know but he has to know, you just have to."

„Alright. I'll get my car keys." I eventually said.

I got out of the house, alone, got in my car and made my way through the traffic to the studio where the boys were recording.
I was sad because of what I had to do now, I tried to figure out what to say to him when I get there and went through the converstion in my head over and over again. My heart was racing in my chest and my hands were sweating on the steering wheel.

I eventually arrived in front of the building and parked the car. I exhaled one deep breath before I got out and entered the building. Luckily Paul was there and let me in. He showed me where I had to go and led me up some stairs to the front of a door.

„You just can go in, they're alone in there and probably messing around anyways instead of doing anything else." Paul told me.

„Alright." I tried to laugh, what didn't work really. „Thank you Paul." I told him as he went down the stairs again.

I placed my hand on the doorhandle and opened the door to see two of the boys playing ping pong while Liam and Niall watched them. Harry sat in the back, concentrating on the sheets in front of him. He was probably writing songs, the only one out of the five that actually worked.
I walked past them, staright to Harry with my eyes fixed on my beautiful fiancé, the love of my life.

I walked past them, staright to Harry with my eyes fixed on my beautiful fiancé, the love of my life

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As soon as Harry looked up at me, my eyes met his and he started smiling. But tears were already forming in my eyes and he saw that when I came closer to him.

„What's wrong, love? Did something happen?" He got up to give me a kiss and hug me. His expression immediately changed to worried when he let go of me and looked at me.

„I need to talk to you about something." I almost whispered and my voice cracked.

„Right now?" He asked.

„It's kind of important..." I told him.

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