Chapter 97

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I didn't really like it to leave Harry in the hospital all by himself but I wasn't gone that long, so I guess it was okay. The drive home seemed to never end. The traffic was insane and there was a lot of traffic jam, so I mostly stood still and had to wait. Instead of a 30 minute drive, I had an hour until I finally got home.

„Hey Grace, you're back already?" Gem's head popped around the corner when I stepped into the house.

„Hey, no, I'm by myself." I sighed. „We got bad news." I told her and closed the door behind my back.

„Oh no, what's wrong?"

„His ACL tore again and now he has to get surgery again." I already felt the tears in my eyes. „The doctor said, that they kinda messed it up when they repaired it during the first surgery and that's why it tore again."

„Shit, how is he feeling?"

„He is okay, they gave him some pain meds. I actually came here to get him some clothes because they want to do the procedure in the afternoon." I told her and made my way upstairs with her following me. „Oh and I have a favor to ask you, Gem."

„I'll watch Avery, don't worry about her." She smiled at me, exactly knowing what I wanted to ask.

„It's just tonight. I have plenty of milk in the fridge that I pumped, you can use it when she's hungry, but for now, she should be fine. You know where her clothes and nappys are, right?"

„Hey, hey, hey, calm down Grace, just breathe for a minute." She stopped me. „You're really stressed right now. I can stay here the night if you want and watch her so you can be with Harry at the hospital."

„That would be great, thank you." I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

„No problem, I'll help you pack for him now." She rubbed my arm as we got into our bedroom.

„How is Aves by the way?" I asked her, looking at her sleeping in her crib and got Harry's bag from the top shelf of the closet.

„She couldn't be better, she fell asleep a few minutes ago after I changed her.

„Good. If you need anything or have problems, just call me."

„We will be fine, I already told you, don't worry." She gave me a tight hug that I really needed right now. Tears slipped down my cheeks and as she noticed, she hugged me even tighter.

„Don't cry, he is gonna be okay."

„It's just so overwhelming." I let go of her.

„Of course it is, but you guys can handle it and I am here to help and the boys and Olivia are here too.
I nodded and we finished packing his clothes and bathroom supplies. I even packed some clothes for me to change, so I was ready to leave again.

„Bye Avery." I picked her up and kissed her as much as I could. „Mummy loves you, okay? I will see you tomorrow, baby." I pressed another kiss on her cheek. „Mummy and daddy love you, bye sweetie." I laid her in Gemma's arms who gave me a hug before I left with Harry's bag in my hand.

„Let me know how the surgery went." She called on my way to the car.

„I will, bye Gem and thanks again." I got into the car and drove to the hospital again.

„Fuck." I whispered to myself as I entered the parking area of the hospital and saw some paparazzi already waiting.
I parked the car, put my sunglasses on, took a deep breath in and got out of the car.
I grabbed the bag from the back seat as I already got asked questions and saw the flashes of the cameras.

„Grace, why are you at the hospital?"

„Where is your husband Harry Styles? Did something happen?"

„Where is your daughter Avery?"

„Where is Harry? Is he here?"

Between the shouting and flashing, I saw a little girl with a pen and a piece of paper in her hand, almost ran over by the tall men. She was walking towards me but they wouldn't let her through and started pushing her around.

„Hey, hey, please watch out, you're hurting her!" I yelled, crouching down and stretching my hands out, so I could take her to my side. „How old are you, sweetie?" I asked her.

„Six." She answered, clearly scared of all the trouble.

„Don't be scared, honey." I smiled at her.

„I wanna be a fashion designer just like you." She smiled at me.

„Wow, I bet you're gonna do great. It's a beautiful passion, you just have to live out your dreams and not let anyone stop you." I told her and she nodded as her eyes lit up.

„Can you sign this for me, please?" She shyly asked.

„Of course." I did what she wanted, wrote a little note just for her and gave her a hug. „Is your mummy or daddy here somewhere?" I took her hand and looked around too see a woman standing next to a car, waiting for her.

She pointed to her and I walked with her to her mum.

„Thank you so much, Mrs. Styles." She smiled at me.

„Anytime and please call me Grace." I shook her hand and waved at the girl, making my way towards the entrance of the hospital.

„Grace! Grace! Where is Harry?"

Paparazzi still followed me and continued shouting.

„Guys, please, we're in front if a hospital. It's obviously for private reasons and I don't wanna comment on that." I eventually said and walked into the hospital.
I sighed as I finally made it to Harry's floor and got in to see him peacefully sleeping in bed.
I quietly placed the bag on the floor and sat down on a chair next to him. He was already wearing a hospital gown and his leg was elevated and wrapped into a bandage and a pretty thick knee brace. It looked like the one he was wearing after his first surgery.

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