Chapter 49

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„Hey, don't be sad about that. You started good, lots of people already support and promote your new brand. You did it Grace, you made your own brand." I told her. „You know, you can't predict the future and sometimes your health is just more important than other things. You take the time you need to get on your feet again and then you can slowly start working again. And Olivia is helping you, so there's nothing to worry about."

„Okay...I love you so much."

„I love you too, Grace." I told her.

„God, I feel so terrible." She whispered.

„I know you do, love. It will be better soon." I said.
I got up from my chair, took my boots and my hoodie off. I then laid next to Grace in bed and laid my arms around her and she instantly pulled me closer to her and buried her head in my chest.

„Try to get some sleep now." I whispered while I gently rubbed her back.


„Can you walk slower, please?" I asked Harry while we walked through the corridors of the hospital on our way from the cafeteria back to my room.

„Sorry, love. Is it still the breathing?" He asked me as he slowed down and slid his hand in mine.

„Mhm. I just want all this to be over. I can't do this anymore." I told him.

„It's over soon. Two days passed and your other symptoms are almost gone and your fever is slowly going down too. It's just the breathing that still has to get better." He smiled at me.

„And the coughing and these horrible chest pains." I said.

„You can do this, just a few more days." He said as his phone started ringing. „Sorry, I have to get that real quick. Wait here for me, just a minute."

I nodded as he made his way to a quieter area. I waited with my back against the wall as I felt how I had to start coughing again. Normally it were just a few coughs but this time it weren't. This time I couldn't stop and it got worse and worse. I already had trouble breathing and now I couldn't get even a bit air in my lungs. I was panicking and held onto my hurting chest. I fell down on the floor, trying to breathe again but the coughing just got worse. I looked around but nobody was there to help.

„Hey, hey, hey." I finally saw Harry running down the corridor to get to my side. He knelt down next to me and rubbed my back. „Breathe darling, breathe. You're fine, okay? Breathe in and breathe out, in and out." He said and did it with me. I placed my hand on his arm and held tight onto it, hoping I wouldn't hurt him by squeezing so hard.

„Is it getting better?" He asked and I nodded. It really did, thanks to his calmness, it luckily did.

„Shit...thank you." I eventually let out.

„Are you okay, do you need some water?" He asked, still looking really concerned.

„No thanks, but can you help me up, I don't have the strength."

„Yeah, lay your arms around my back." He said and I did it.
He picked me up but didn't let go of me, so I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. He started walking towards my room while he always rubbed my back.
Everytime he did that, it made me feel better and more comfortable. There was something about him that was so special. Whenever I didn't feel good and he was by my side, he helped me to get better. He always made something what made me feel better and sometimes it was just being around him that helped.

When he opened the door to our room, he let me down on my bed and took the hair tie, that was in his hair to hold up his bun, out of his curly bun and placed himself behind me to tie up my hair.

„Why are you crying love?" He asked when he stood in front of me again and looked at my eyes that were full of tears.

„I can't do this anymore Harry." I cried in his shoulders when he pulled me to his chest again. „I feel so weak, when I make five steps, I'm already completely exhausted." I couldn't stop the tears.

„Don't worry, that is totally normal. You need some time and I know that in a few days, you will be better, just hold on a little bit longer." He ran his thumb over my cheek. „You're strong, it will be over soon." He placed his hands on my cheek and smiled at me what made me smile too.

„Now that is the face I wanna see." He laughed.

„I wanna marry you so bad right now." I smiled at him and let out a little laugh.

„You will very soon." He smiled back and pressed a kiss on my lips.

The door opened and nurse Lisa's head popped in

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The door opened and nurse Lisa's head popped in.
„Hey, how are you feeling?" She smiled at me.

„It's getting better. It's just still the breathing and coughing that really bothers me." I told her.

„Yeah, that is normal after such a bad chest infection you had and you will still have that a few days or maybe weeks but it will go away eventually." She explained. „When you get home, you will still feel pretty weak for a few days but with some bed rest it will be fine."

„Okay, do you maybe know when I will get released and can go home?" I asked her.

„I think it will be very soon, maybe even in a few days. Actually, I'm here to take some blood samples again, so could I have your arm please?" She asked and I stretched out my right arm.
I hated needles, I was so scared of them, what was a bit ironic when I thought that I worked everyday with needles but this was different.
My heart already started racing when she put the ribbon around my upper arm.
Harry knew I was scared of needles so he instinctively grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it while she inserted the needle in my arm.

„I'm sorry, it's over in a few seconds." Nurse Lisa said.

I shut my eyes and waited patiently until it was over. And finally it was. I took a deep breath when she pulled out the needle and put a band aid on my arm.

„You did great, honey." Harry rubbed my arm.

„Yeah, you did." The nurse smiled at me. „So, that would be all, if you need anything, you know what to do." She said and left the room.

„Do you wanna sleep? It's late." Harry asked me and sat down next to me on my bed.

„Mhm." I nodded. „But only with you next to me." I patted on the left side of the bed.

He smiled at me and got in bed with me, laying his arm over my waist and giving me kisses on my neck.

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