Chapter 64

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January, 18 weeks
It was 2:18 am when I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of the kettle boiling from the kitchen downstairs. I reached blindly for Grace but I could only feel the cold sheets, thinking that she had to be in the kitchen.
I swung my legs out of bed as the cold air of the house hit my naked chest and I got goosebumps. I was only in a pair of loose boxers as I carried myself sleepily down the stairs, following the dim lighting that came from the kitchen.
My heart made a double take when I saw her. She was in one of my oversized shirts and a pair of Nike sweatpants, struggling to unscrew the cap of her hot water bottle. Her hair was a mess, sticking up in every direction, put up in a messy bun. She looked frustrated for some reason.

„Oh, love." I sighed, catching her attention. It wasn't until she finally looked up at me that I realized she was more than just frustrated. She was upset. Grace's eyes had pooled over in tears and her shoulders were trembling with each shaky breath.

She already told me that the first few months of her pregnancy were kinda a mess when I was on tour. She had this terrible morning sickness and her hormones were going crazy but I felt like the past weeks, since I got back, it got worse. It wasn't bad, I just had to comfort her a lot, mostly during the nights when she got up to get something to eat because of her weird cravings she had lately.

Her tight grip on the bottle loosened and she shoved it on the counter with a huff.

„I can't open the bottle, Haz." Her bottom lip shivered as her shoulders sagged and she was sobbing in a matter of seconds.

I pulled her close in a tight hug. Her face was smushed against my chest and her arms wrapped tightly around my body. She was hiccuping and trembling so I rubbed her back, gently.

I rested my cheek on the top of her head as I slowly rocked us back and forth. But honestly, I've been waiting for the breakdown to happen. She was never as emotional as tonight and I knew she has been trying to push back the overwhelming mood swings and acting like she wasn't bothered by the major changes her mind and body were going through.

She sniffled into my chest, pulling away to take a deep breath and wipe her eyes with trembling hands.

„I'm just- I'm just so scared, H." She admitted quietly, looking down. I didn't question what she meant, I didn't want to put her off telling me how she really felt, so I just waited.

She breathed deeply. „I'm terrified that I'm gonna make a shit mum."

I thought my heart stopped and my throat got dry. I hoped I misheard her but I knew exactly what she said.

I frowned and took another step closer to gently pull her chin up with my finger so she would look at me.

„I feel so sad and overwhelmed lately and I'm so scared that the baby is gonna hate me or she grows up thinking I'm an awful parent and I'm scared." She let out and it hurt me to hear that. I didn't like at all what she just told me, because I knew she was going to make a wonderful mother, that she would be the most loving and caring parent any child could ever have. She was funny, very, very patient, kind and understanding. I admired everything about her and knowing she would be my baby's mother was the most wonderful feeling ever.

„Listen to me." I started, bending my knees so she could get a proper look at me through her watering eyes. „You are going to make the most incredible mother any child could ever wish for and we both know it. Our little girl is going to grow up so loved and appreciated that she'll get sick of us loving her." I joked.

I smiled when I watched her grin and she nodded her head. She held my wrists and kissed the palm of my hands to let herself calm down and I was certain, I never felt more in love with her than I was right now. Even in a bubble of self-doubt and eyes full of tears, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

„Now, let daddy help." I grinned, leaning in to give her a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled and took a deep breath as I unscrewed the bottle cap with ease and poured the cold water down the sink. Grace leaned against the counter with her hands on her bump while she watched me pour the boiled water into the empty bottle. I screwed the cap back on and set the kettle back on its bottom tray.

I offered it to her with a triumphant grin and she took it with a thankful smile. I spread kisses all over her face, waiting for her angelic giggle to appear. I loved nothing more when she did that.

„You're incredible and I love you." I whispered against her lips and could feel her mouth curve into a smile through our kiss.

„I love you so much." She replied quietly. I placed my hands on her swollen belly and rested my forehead on hers, noticing her eyes that cried for sleep.

„Come on, you've had your cry. Bed time, mummy." I told her rubbing her bump. She giggled as I took her hand and she chased me up the stairs into our bedroom.

The lights were off and the covers were over our sleepy bodies. Grace cuddled into my arms, the hot water bottle tucked between us with her baby bump. I held her as close as I possibly could and buried my face in her hair, finding comfort in the scent of her coconut shampoo.

„You're gonna make an incredible mum. And don't try to push back your hormones. If you need to cry then come and cry to me love. It's the only way to stop them from getting so overwhelming." I reminded her again.

Grace didn't say anything, she didn't have to. I knew she understood by the gentle squeeze she gave my body and the way she buried her face further into my chest. I didn't need to say anything else to let her know that everything would be alright.

„Good night, Hazza." She whispered.

„Good night, sweetie." I whsipered back. „Night baby Styles."

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