Chapter 40

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„What is going on?" I asked again when Harry was so close to me, I could feel the warmth of his body.

„Today exactly one year ago around this time, I laid in a hospital bed right after surgery with you sitting next to me, waiting for me to wake up. It was the night everything went wrong." He started. „But I still asked you the one question I wanted to ask you a long time and you said yes, yes to being my girlfriend. From that day on, we were inseparable, mostly because you had to help me because of my injuries..." He let out a laugh. „...but we couldn't spend a minute without each other anymore.
You found me on that day we bumped in each other and I'm so glad you did. I think I still have that scar on my arm after I fell but when I looked up at you, I thought, wow this is the most amazing, gorgeous, beautiful woman I've seen."

„You're making me cry." I whispered with a trembling voice and some tears already filling my eyes.

„Let me finish." He laughed and grabbed my hands.

„When I first met you, you were this scared and hurt girl. You were scared to love again, to let someone love you again. First you were scared of what was happening between us, of the bond we immediately had but you listened to your heart and it brought us together." He said and I felt how a tear escaped my eyes and fell over my cheek.

„Remember the night of the concert I invited you to?" He asked.

„Of course." My voice cracked. „How couldn't I?"

„We sat on stage, talking about our deepest feelings. I told you how I was scared of love, to find the true love, the real and honest love. If I only knew my true love, the love of my life was sitting right in front of me, talking to me." He smiled at me.

„Harry, what are you do-„ I gasped when he let go of my hands and got down on one knee.
I clasped my trembling hands over my mouth as more tears fell over my cheeks. I looked down at him, in his beautiful, green, sparkly eyes as he nervously started talking again.

„We've been together for a year now and every second spent with you is so incredible. Every time I see you, it's like the they we first met again. The butterflies in my stomach and my love for you never changed since day one. You drive me completely insane, but I love you and I always will." And that's when he fished a tiny box out of his pocket, opened it and revealed the most brightest and beautiful diamond ring I ever saw.

„I can't imagine what my life would look like without you in it. You are the absolute love of my life, so will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife? Will you marry me Grace Montgomery?" He finally asked.

By now, tears were streaming down my cheeks but all I could think about was how much I loved this man, how much I'd loved to spend the rest of my life with him.

„Y-yes..." I whispered. „I'll marry you Harry Styles." That's when he jumped up again and picked me up to press his soft lips on mine.

" That's when he jumped up again and picked me up to press his soft lips on mine

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„I love you so much." I whispered, still crying when he let me on the ground again.

„You have no idea how much I love you." He said and put the ring on my trembling finger.

„When did you even do all this around here?" I asked him, holding his warm hand and looking around the hill.

„When I told you I had to go to the studio, I came here and luckily I got some help from the boys, Olivia and my sister." He told me.

„So you lied to me today, huh?" I smiled, still not believing what just happened.

„I did, but for a good reason, right?"

„Right." I confirmed. „Oh, now I get why no one wanted to hang around with me today." I realized.

„Yeah, that's probably why." He said.

„And I was sad I would spend the day of our anniversary all by myself in the boutique."

„I'm sorry if I made you feel sad, I felt really bad to leave you alone this morning." He pulled me to his body and wrapped his arms around my waist so I could lay my head against his chest. I buried my face in his shirt and wrapped my arms around his back to feel his  calming heartbeat.

 I buried my face in his shirt and wrapped my arms around his back to feel his  calming heartbeat

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„It's okay, now I know why you did it." I whispered. „All those things you said made my heart melt. You said it so perfectly. It was wonderful and I loved it so much. You are the love of my life too, you know?" I let out a little laugh.

„I didn't know it but I felt it, I felt your love." He said.

„I still can't believe what just happened." I told him.

„We're engaged, that happened." He whispered back.

„We are engaged." I repeated. „I never thought I would say that out loud one day. When I first met you, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to ever date someone again."

„But you did and it was the right decision." He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

„It was the best decision ever."

„It was...And soon you're not gonna be Grace Montgomery anymore." He smiled.
The thought of taking his name made me so happy...Harry made me so happy.

Life couldn't be more perfect right now. I was engaged to the love of my life, I had success with my business and Harry and I were both happy and that was the most important thing.

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