Chapter 75

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June, 32 weeks
I just started the eighth month of my pregnancy and if I had to be honest, nothing really changed besides my baby bump that was still growing and the back pains I always had.

Right now, I was on my way to the arena where I would meet Harry and the boys. They were still rehearsing for the show tonight and I wanted to be there. It was probably one of the last shows I was gonna go to before the baby arrived.
Since that thing with Jackson happened two weeks ago, Harry always wanted Paul to be with me when I was walking around alone, like right now. He was always so sweet, not like the other body guards. He was funny and really took care of me while the others just pushed me around when we had to walk through big crowds. I always had nice talks with Paul and he was like a part of our family now.

„Thanks again, Paul. I really appreciate what you always do for us." I thanked Paul when we entered from the back of the arena.

„No need to thank me, Grace." He smiled. „You know I'm always here for you."

„Yeah, but still, we really don't deserve you." I told him.

„Hey, I just want to get you guys safe from place to place." He said. „Look, I'll see you later, I have to watch the gate outside."

„Sure, thanks again." I hugged him before he went out of the door again. „See you."

Now I just had to find the boys somewhere. I didn't hear anything from them, so I assumed they were already done with the soundcheck. I walked down the corridor to try and find them. I opened the door to the dressing room but the room was empty, only their clothes were spread around the room.

„Where the hell is your daddy?" I placed my hand on my belly and quietly talked to our girl. I felt a kick as if she was responding to what I asked and it made me smile. I made my way to the green room, maybe they were hanging out there or just get some rest before they would go on stage. I opened the door and there they were. Harry and Niall were playing ping pong while the other three were watching TV.

„Hey Grace, good to see you." The three boys greeted me first.

„Hi guys, good to see you too." I smiled at them.

„How's my wife?" Harry asked, only focussing on the ping pong ball that was flying around the room. „Liam, take over for me please." He said and quickly exchanged position.
Harry turned around, smiling and walking towards me. He placed his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss on my lips.

„How is my beautiful wife?" He asked again, gently rubbing his hand over my belly.

„I'm great, how is my husband?"

„Couldn't be better." He replied.
I was just glad that his bruise around his eye faded pretty quickly and his face finally looked normal again. His hand was luckily fine too now. When the boys had interviews during these two weeks, Lou always had a hard time to cover the bruise as good as she could with make up. Management of course wasn't that happy about it but Harry explained what happened and they were pretty understanding after that.

„By the way, you look beautiful, love." He looked up at me from head to toe.

„I'm just wearing jeans and a shirt, Haz." I let out a laugh. Today I decided to wear something casual for watching the show. I put on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. As always during my pregnancy, I put on my white converse and a thin jacket since it was warm outside.

 As always during my pregnancy, I put on my white converse and a thin jacket since it was warm outside

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„Can I not make my wife compliments?" He smiled.

„You can if you want to." I rolled my eyes. „By the way, could you maybe tie my shoes properly, it's hard to tie them when I'm by myself and now they are loose and I'm pretty sure when they untie themselves, I'm gonna trip and fall." I said with a laugh.

„Of course, love. We don't want you to fall." Harry said and knelt down to untie the laces and tighten my shoes to tie them again.

„Thanks, Haz." I said when he finished and kissed my belly on his way up.

„So you're staying to watch the show?" Niall asked from the ping pong table, still playing with Liam and not taking his eyes off the ball.

„Yeah, I'm staying." I told him. „It's probably one of the last ones I'm gonna be at and I don't want to miss them. Oh, before I forget, I still have some news." I remembered and turned to Harry before I sat down on one of the couches.

„What news?" Harry asked curiously and sat down next to me, leaning back against a pillow.

„I am officially on maternity leave." I told him, sighing.

„That's great! You have to stop working now, it would be too much for you if you didn't." He said, drawing circles on my belly, that felt like a really good massage.

„I don't know if it's really great." I admitted, letting out a little laugh.

„Why is that love?" He asked but was staring and smiling at my belly, still massaging it.

„I just can't imagine not making any kind of clothes for a period of time I don't even know how long it will be." I explained. „I mean, what am I gonna do with my free time now?" I shrugged.

„Uuh, I don't know, maybe rest a little at home, hanging out with Olivia or Gemma and maybe spend time with me?" He sarcastically questioned, looking up at me. „Look, it will be good for you to take a break now and just relax for a bit. At least until the baby is here, because I know we won't have the time to relax when she is here." He told me.

„Yeah, you're right. But it's still weird not being there anymore." I sighed.

„Guys, you need to be on stage in a few minutes." One of the staff members walked into the room after knocking on the door. „We have to get you ready, could you please come with me?" She asked them.

The boys got up and followed her.

„Alright, I'll see you from the stage when you sit in the audience." Harry said and pulled me up from the couch. „You can sit in the VIP section in front row, as always." He said.

„Okay, see you later." I smiled. „And have fun." I got on my tiptoes to press my lips on his. He placed another few kissed around my face and on my head before he got out of the room to follow the others.

I walked out of the green room to the dressing room and placed my purse on the small table next to Harry's stuff. After that I made my way towards the back of the stage to enter the VIP section and sit down. When I got there, fans were waving at me and calling me from every side. I waved back and smiled at them before I sat down in my seat.
I sat in front row, right in front of the stage.
I was not the only one in the VIP section, there were lots of people, almost all the seats were taken.
I waited until I heard the show started and the opening to Clouds was played. Harry came on stage together with the other four and smiled down at me as soon as his eyes found me, what made my heart warm.

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