Chapter 137

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June 2021
„NOOO!" I screamed as I woke up and sat upright in bed, my heart beating faster than ever and sweat dripping down my neck.

„NO HARRY WHY?" I cried, gasping for air as tears streamed down my face. „I NEED YOU! WHY YOU? WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU?" I screamed out, crying. „WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?" I tried to breathe, but it didn't work. „HARRY!" I cried.

Suddenly the door opened and I saw my concerned husband running towards me, instantly wrapping his arms around my heavily pregnant body.

„Hey, hey, hey." He pulled me to his chest. „I'm here, I'm right here, Grace. Breathe for me please, just breathe, sweetheart." He placed a hand on my giant belly and rocked me back and forth to try and calm me down.

„Harry." I let out, sobbing.

„Shh, I'm here." He pressed a kiss on my cheek. „What happened, love?" He eventually asked.

„I had a dream...that you- that you died after the accident. It felt so real." I sniffled. „I thought you were dead." I gasped for air again.

„Breathe, love, breathe in and out." He hugged me tight. „It was just a dream, I'm here, I'm right here." He said, but it didn't really help at all.

He realized and grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest where his heart was.

„Feel my heartbeat. Can you feel it?" I nodded almost instantly. „I'm here and I'm alive, everything is fine. Just breathe please."

I took some deep breaths like he told me to. „I thought you left me." I whispered.

„I told you, I would never leave you. Never in a million years." He gently started rubbing circles on my 9 months pregnant belly. I held tight onto his back and buried my face in his chest with my eyes closed to calm down.

„It was just a dream." I whispered, realizing where I was.

„It was, my love." He whispered back. „Just a bad dream."

I realized it really was just a dream and Harry was luckily alive. But the accident did happen 6 months ago. Harry had a tough time to recover from his injuries after the accident, but he somehow got through it. Now, he almost completely recovered, only his femur needed some more time to heal, but he was fine besides that. I was 9 months pregnant with our second baby. We didn't know the gender yet, because this time we wanted it to be a surprise.

„What are you even doing up here in bed?" Harry asked me as he let go of me. „Are you alright?" He kissed my forehead and wiped the tears on my cheeks away.

„I felt exhausted and had some Braxton hicks, so I decided to lay down for a few minutes and then just fell asleep." I explained.

„Should we go see the doctor or something?"

„No, no. It's fine, I had Braxton hicks when I was pregnant with Aves. I'm fine." I reassured him.

„Are you sure?" He asked again, looking deep into my eyes.

„I'm sure, can you just help me up?" I let out a laugh and he smiled at me.

„Give me your hands." He stretched his arms out and I slid my hands in his so he could pull me up on my feet.
I wrapped my arms around his body to hug him tight.

„What's that for?" He chuckled, rubbing my back.

„I'm so glad your fine now." I admitted, sighing.

„Me too." He agreed. „Do you want to come downstairs? I was playing with Avery."

„Yeah, sure, but don't you have to go to the studio or something today? I thought you said you would go." I asked him, slowly making my way down the stairs as he walked in front of me.

„I wanted to, but the boys still won't let me. They said I had to rest a little while longer." I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

„Well, they're not wrong. You got some pretty serious injuries an-." I stopped walking halfway down the stairs as I felt the Braxton hicks again and held tight onto the handrail to breathe them out.

„Grace? Love?" Harry turned around, his hand immediately on my back.

„I'm fine, I'm fine." I breathed and placed my hand on the lower part of my belly where I felt the pain. I continued walking as soon as the pain faded and made it downstairs to the living room.

„Mummy, can we play?" Avery asked me, smiling, her eyes shining.

„Ye-." Harry interrupted me.

„Mummy needs to rest a few minutes, but I'm gonna play with you, darling." He told her and guided me to the couch.

„I know how to sit down, thank you." I gave him a look, but he just grinned at me.
He sat down on the carpet next to Avery, both his legs stretched out as she started dancing around the living room. She just wanted someone to watch her dance and clap for her when she finished her performance. She was twirling around the room, losing her balance at some point and falling right on Harry's thigh. He winced, shutting his eyes and holding onto it. I knew it still hurt him, what was normal after a femur fracture. It just needed time.

„Ow!" He tried to whisper, but it came out a little bit louder.

„Are you okay?" I asked him when Avery got up off his leg.

„Yeah, yeah, it's gonna fade in a few seconds." He nodded.

It wasn't always easy to have an injured Harry here for the past few months while I was pregnant and we had a two year old at home. These things happened and Harry wasn't mad or something. Avery simply didn't know.

„Are you feeling better?" He asked me, getting up from the floor and sitting down next to me.

„Yes, a little bit." I said. „The baby just won't stop kicking too. I swear our kids all got your genes, they just have too much energy."

He laughed, rubbing circles on my belly as his phone rang.

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