Chapter 54

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[Two months passed]

„Are you coming to the concert tonight?" I asked Grace when she came walking down the stairs just when I finished cleaning the kitchen after breakfast.

„I don't think so, no." She responded, looking down on the floor. Her voice was not like usually, it was quieter and cracking now and then.

„Why not?" I asked her a bit surprised. She never said no to come and watch one of our shows, so it was a bit weird.

„I don't feel so good today." She eventually looked up at me. I leaned against the kitchen counter as she placed herself across from me, leaning against the fridge.

„Are you sick?" I asked, not quite sure what was wrong.

„No." Was the only thing she let out of her mouth.

„What's wrong then?" I asked again.

„I just don't feel so good." Her voice got now a bit louder.

„Why are you not talking to me, Grace?"

„Why do you always get home so late?" She suddenly asked, looking angry.

„What?" I asked confused. „What does that matter now?"

„Tell me Harry, why?" Her voice was stern.

„Because I had to work longer." I told her.

„Oh really? So you had to work longer for the whole past week?"

„What is your problem, Grace?" I felt the anger in my body rise up. I didn't know what she was talking about and why she was so mad at me and it drove me crazy.

„Are you cheating on me Harry?"

„What are you talking about?!" I rose my voice now. How could she even think that?

„You always come home late, you don't answer my messages anymore when I ask you where you are and we barely talk lately." She said, her voice cracking.

„You know why that is? You are avoiding me for like a week now and I don't know why. I don't know what I did wrong but every time I want to talk to you about something, you avoid me." I told her. „We are constantly fighting for a week, everyday and I hate that. That's why I stay at the studio late...I can't believe you would think, that I cheated on you. You know well enough I would never do that."

„Well, what else should I think when I don't see you anymore?" Her eyes got red and glassy.

„But why are you suddenly like this? This is not you anymore, not the Grace I know." I told her now with a calmer voice and walked towards her to place my hands on her waist. I leaned in to give her a kiss as she turned her head and pulled away.

„You know, that's exactly what I mean. I can't even touch or kiss you anymore." I told her and got mad again. „You know what? I'll be at the studio." I said and then walked out of the kitchen towards the door. I couldn't do this anymore and just wanted to leave.

„No, stop Harry, wait please!" She came running after me.

„No, Grace." I turned around again. „I hate it when we fight and I can't do this anymore. I don't know what's wrong with you and I don't know what to do to help you." I told her and closed the door behind me.

A few hours passed since our fight and it was already afternoon. I just got home from my appointment. I pulled up in the driveway of our house and stayed in my car for a few minutes with my head resting on the wheel, trying to process what just happened.
I eventually opened the door to get out into the rain. I got wet immediately but didn't care. I sat on the stairs in front of the front door of the house, sitting under the streaming rain, crying my eyes out. I was completely wet from head to toe and couldn't care less about it.

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