Chapter 131

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December 2020
I shot straight up out of the bed I was in, gasping. Someone put their hands on my shoulders, trying to soothe me and get me to lay back down. I pushed the hands away as my vision came into focus. I was in a room filled with people and noise and more people.

I panicked for a minute before I realized where I was. Clearly an emergency room. There were four doctors and nurses around me, checking my eyes, ears, reflexes, pulse, breathing. I threw my arms out to try and get some space. One of the nurses caught my hand, holding it in both of hers.

„Grace, you're alright. You are in the hospital. You were in an accident. Do you have any pain? Whe-."

„Harry! Where's Harry?? I need to see him, I have to, I have to go-." I stuttered as I pushed the doctors away from me, trying to get up again.
The same nurse held me back.

„Grace, we need to make sure you're okay before you can get up. If you let us help, you'll be able to see Harry sooner. Can you lay back? Do you have any pain?"

„No, no, I'm fine, I'm okay! I need to see Harry, I need to know if he's okay! Please!" I looked frantically around at the doctors, hoping one of them knew something.

The doctor who appeared to be in charge ordered. „Someone go get an update on the guy they brought in with her. See how he is doing."

„Thank you, thank you so much." I breathed, finally lying back.

„There we go. Do you have any pain, Grace?" The nurse asked again.

„No, I'm totally fine. I'm-." I brushed my hair out of my face. When I brought my arm down, I saw, that my hand was covered in blood. „I'm bleeding!" I cried, panicking.

„It's okay, it's not too bad." One of the doctors said, examining my head. „It looks like it will need maybe 5 or 6 stitches. We can fix that up right away."

I closed my eyes. How had this happened? Harry moved the wheel, I knew he did. How had we crashed so badly?

The doctor who was sent to check on Harry came back into the room. I snapped my eyes open, looking at her expectantly.

„He is stable. That's the important thing now. However, he's been injured pretty badly. He broke his femur, his ankle and his clavicle. He has a small brain bleed and is covered in cuts from the glass. He also has a fair few broken ribs and lost a lot of blood, because of the deep cut on his stomach. He is also pretty bruised from the airbag and seatbelt and is intubated, because he was having some trouble breathing. He might need surgery to repair the brain bleed, but right now they're waiting and hoping it will get better on its own."

I exhaled. „But...he is okay? I mean...he is alive?"

The doctor smiled. „Yes, he's doing okay."

I finally allowed myself to breathe. I noticed I was crying, but I didn't do anything to wipe my tears away.

„Okay Grace." The doctor started stitching up my face. „I'm finished here. You need to stay here for a little while longer so we can monitor you. There is an IV in your arm to keep you hydrated. If you need anything, call for a nurse. Also, and this is important, don't get out of bed without someone helping you. You've been through a lot today, but the adrenaline is wearing off, which might make you feel shaky. I also took some blood samples earlier just to make sure everything is alright, the results will come back later. Do you need anything right now?"

„No, I'm...I'm fine. Thank you." I said, wiping my eyes.

After he left my bed, everything started to slowly get to me. Harry was alive, he didn't leave me. We were both alive and we were both okay.

About an hour later, a nurse came in. After confirming, that I felt totally fine, I anxiously asked when I could see Harry.

„I'm sorry the ICU is family only." The nurse said, making me furrow my brows.

„I am his wife, please let me see him." I begged.

„I'm sorry, I need something to confirm that."

„Listen, I wanna see my husband right now. We were in an accident and I need to see him. I need to be by his side. We got married three years ago. You've got my ID, my name is written on it. You can look it up on the internet, I don't care, but I am his wife, so let me see my husband!" I started crying again.

„Oh, okay. Sorry, of course you can see him." She said, slowly helping me off the bed. „I'll take you to his room."

„Thank you so much." I said, slowly taking my first few steps.

„Careful, you're still attached to this IV pole." The nurse said, adjusting the tubing so it wasn't in my way. „You can hold onto it for support- yes, just like that."

I got more nervous with every step towards Harry's room. What would he look like? Would he be in pain? Would he know who I was? Would mat at me?

When I walked into his room, tears were immediately falling down my cheeks again as I saw him. He looked, well, awful. He was covered in cuts and bruises. He had several tubes and wires connected to him, as well as a large tube taped in his mouth. He had a cast on his leg and a sling on his arm.

I looked at the nurse who was taking his vitals.
„How is he?" I asked in a small voice.

„He is okay for now. He is stable, which is very good. He's unconscious, but we hope to see him wake up soon. You can sit with him, hold his hand, talk to him." She said and I nodded slowly. „I still need to ask something though. Does he take any medication or does he have any allergies?" She asked.

„He has asthma and needs his inhaler, but doesn't take any other medication." I told her.

„Okay. If you need anything, just press the call button."

She left, leaving me and Harry alone. I started crying harder now. This was awful and it was all my fault. I was the one who wanted to go for Chinese food. I was the one who picked today, a wintery, stormy day for a long drive. And now...

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