"You can serve yourself" Aunty Saudah said after the maid put the food in front of the center table where Sadeeq was sitting.

"Thank you Aunty" Sadeeq uttered as he started serving himself the food.


After Maghrib Prayer, Fadimatuu has just finished her prayer and coming out of the room when she bumped into a hard body.

When she looked up she saw it's Sadeeq and she was shocked.

"Sorry" She apologized trying to leave the place, but he hold her hand making her stunned by his actions towards her, after him knowing that she's his cousin's wife.

"Not soon my beautiful lady" Sadeeq said seductively moving closer to her but she pushed him away from her body.

"Don't you dare touch me again" Fadimatuu warned him and he was surprised at her behavior.

"What will you do baby? I don't know what you see in that useless cousin of mine that you decided to marry him" Sadeeq said moving close to her.

"He's my husband and he's not useless like some people" Fadimatuu glared at him and she started to leave the place but he blocked her path again .

"What's wrong with you? Can't you see I'm trying to leave?" Fadimatuu asked.

"But I don't want you to leave" Sadeeq pouts moving closer to her, but the voice he heard made him stopped in his track.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Khaleel yelled coming to where they're standing.

"Nothing Brother just talking you know" Sadeeq replied smirking.

"I don't want you to ever and by ever I mean ever come close to my wife or even talk to her. Get that in the back of your head" Khaleel warned as he holds Fadimatuu's hand dragging her away from there leaving Sadeeq standing there mouth agape.

"Aunt we're leaving" Khaleel informed her when they entered the living room, as Sadeeq had totally spoiled his mood.

"So soon" Aunty Saudah uttered

"Yes Aunt" Khaleel replied.

"Okay, I'm coming" Aunty Saudah replied leaving the living room.

After a few minutes she came back with a bag, and give it to Fadimatuu.

"Here it's for you Fatimah" Aunty Saudah said when she hand the bag to Fadimatuu.

"No need for that Aunty" Fadimatuu said hesitantly and Aunty Saudah shushed her to keep quiet.

"Thank you Aunty" Fadimatuu uttered.

"Mummy should I follow them?" Marha asked coming inside the living room.

"No dear but you can visit them another time" Aunty Saudah replied.

"Aunty you should have let her follow us" Fadimatuu said because she really likes Marha as she's a lovely girl.

"She has school but don't worry I'll bring her to you some other time" Aunty Saudah said.

"Okay Aunty" Fadimatuu smiled.

"Bye Marha" Khaleel waved at her as they started going.

"Bye Uncle and Aunty" Marha waved at them and they waved back at her.


They arrived home after Ishaa Prayer and each of them went to their rooms to pray.

After Fadimatuu finished praying, she decided to go to Khaleel's room to talk to him, as he didn't talk to her since when they left Aunty Saudah's house.

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