116 - Ready

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Rylee was ready.

Her and Alexa had gotten dressed and done up in Rylee's room and when they were about finished, Rylee was surprised that the room phone rang.

She was still surprised by how up to date the technology was in the room. The phone was basically just a tablet on the wall, that did far more than just act as a phone.

Rylee touched the tablet screen to answer it.


"Hello, this is Daniel from the lobby service desk, I just wanted to let you know that your car is ready."


"Yes ma'am. Your suite comes with complimentary round trip transfers with our BMW 7-Series chauffeurs. Your car is currently waiting in the back loading zone as requested."

"Thank you, um, we'll be down in a few minutes."

"Take your time, miss." He gave her quick instructions on how to get to the back loading zone and said his goodbyes before he hung up.

Rylee hit the end button and looked at Alexa who heard the call through the phones speaker.

"Alrighty then," Alexa chuckled, putting in her earrings as she spoke. She was wearing a simple light peach colored knee length dress and a pair of nude strappy heels.

The girls did some final touch ups to their hair and makeup, and made their way down the hall to a service elevator as they were told and after a minute or so, the doors opened up to a loading zone where, as instructed, there was a BMW 7-Series waiting for them with a man standing beside the back door, waiting to open each for them.

"Good evening, ladies," the man greeted them, "My name is Jonathan and I'll be your chauffeur this evening."

The girls said their hellos and thank yous as they climbed into the backseat of the car on either side, Jonathan closing the doors behind them.

When he got around to the drivers seat, he looked in the rear view mirror, "Are you ladies ready to head out?"

They both nodded and said yes as Jonathan nodded and began to drive out of the lot.

Everything about today felt so surreal to Rylee. She laid her hand on the middle console between her and Alexa and Alexa immediately took her hand in hers, squeezing it tightly.

"You ready?" Alexa asked, smiling from ear to ear, "if you're not, it's fine. I'll just tell Sebastian you fell in the toilet or something..."

Rylee laughed, "That may have worked in our 8th grade science class, but I don't think it would work now. Even so, no need for toilet stories, I'm so absolutely ready."

Rylee squeezed Alexa's hand back in return, though it was a bit shakey from her nerves.

After a short ten or so minute drive, through the familiar streets of New York, the car came to a stop in front of the most familiar place of all.

Rylee's eyebrows furrowed together, confused.

Jonathan opened Alexa's door first, giving her time to get out and onto the sidewalk before he went to Rylee's door and did the same.

The girls were now standing in front of Round Corner Cafe, though the lights inside were dim, almost not even on, a note on the door reading:

"Closed for a family event,
sorry for any inconvenience."

Jonathan led the girls to the door, using a key to unlock it, and held the door open for them, ushering them inside.

Once they stepped in, he shut the door, locking it in the process.

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