107 - Nicole Kidman

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Rylee had gotten home and wasn't sure what else to do with her day. She knew Sebastian would be pretty tied up with work til later this evening.

She decided to put on a movie, letting Netflix pick it at random and a movie, apparently based on movies she's watched in the past, called Destroyer began.

No sooner than it started did she start texting Sebastian anyway.

Ryles ❤️
I let Netflix pick a random movie for me.
Any guesses?

She was surprised to see her phone ring in her hand, Sebastian's picture taking over the screen as she hit accept, Sebastian spoke before she even got the chance to say hi.

"Ummm. Captain America...no wait. Disney+ has all that shit now. Umm...oh god don't tell me it was the Covenant."

Rylee laughed, "I wish. That movie is a chefs kiss."

Sebastian laughed as well, "Okay, I dunno, what're you watching?"

"Let's just say, I can't believe you've not only done a movie with Nicole Kidman...but you've gotten to make out with her? Does that mean by association I've made out with Nicole Kidman?" Rylee pretended to sound shocked and excited all at once.

"Obviously." Sebastian laughed even harder. "Ah, I'm so glad you texted me. I needed that. I've been having a shitty morning."

"Aw, why?"

"I dunno. We've had to keep filming this one thing over and over and it's just never quite going right. And I've been stuck in these fucking leather shorts all morning-"

"Leather shorts, huh?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Rylee could imagine Sebastian rolling his eyes in the most loving, annoyed way possible.

"Sorry, continue."

"It's just some scene of a performance on stage and I've gotta be playing the drums, which I've been practicing in the hotel here, but I just keep fucking up this one stick twirl. I dunno. I just hate being the person who's fucking it up over and over."

She couldn't see it, but she could hear him running his hand through his hair, tugging on it, as he does when he's anxious.

"It'll be fine. I'm guessing you're on a break since you called?"

"Yeah we all took a half hour break."

Rylee tapped her phone and turned their call into a FaceTime one, waiting for Sebastian to accept, which he did after the first ring.

"Hi," he said, smiling, not quite as bright as usual, but still happy to see Rylee all the same.

"Hi babe," Rylee said, taking in his Tommy Lee form. The hair, tattoos, piercings, eye liner, all of it. It was starting to grow on her, surprisingly.

"Well, first off, let me see these alleged god awful shorts."

Sebastian ducked his head down with a laugh, and Rylee could see that he was setting the phone down on a table and getting some distance so she could see them in all their glory.

"I'm here for it. They look lovely. Your ass? Phenomenal." Rylee smiled with a laugh. "So, what're you supposed to be doing that's getting wonky?"

Sebastian held up a finger and turned the phone slightly, that's when she realized he was back in his room and was at the drum set.

He spoke louder so she could hear him across the room, "something like this..."

He began to play the 24 measures of music that at this point he had memorized, and then, seemed to add a bit of finality to the moves when he spun his drumstick smoothly between his fingers, and held them out, dropping them on the snares in front of him, standing up and walking around towards the phone.

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