87 - Close to Normal

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Sebastian was practically bouncing in his seat. Him and Rylee were at the doctors office for what he hoped to be his final visit.

He knew he still had multiple physical therapy appointments to get through for not only his leg but his shoulder, but he may get to leave this building without a boot on and that was all that mattered right now. He even brought his left shoe with him just in case.

A nurse came out to the waiting room and summoned him back to the examination rooms. She went through the motions of checking his blood pressure and heart rate and soon enough, Rylee and him were alone in the room.

"Why am I nervous?" Sebastian tried to chuckle.

"I'd say you're allowed to feel some kind of way. You've been in a cast or a boot for the last like, what, five months? I mean, I know you could take the boot off in bed and stuff and you finished your two week weaning protocol, but still. That's a long time."

Sebastian nodded, he hadn't thought of it in terms of months, he had thought of it in terms of all the things happening during that five months. All the things he couldn't experience normally.
The press tour. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Rylee's birthday. Disney. The premiere.

So many big moments, tainted by a cast or a walking boot. Of course all those events still happened and they were still great, but he couldn't help but feel some level of sadness towards it all.

Mid thought, Sebastian's PCP, Dr. Roberts came into the room, holding a folder.

"Hello there Sebastian, Rylee, how are you two today?" Dr. Roberts asked as he sat down on the stool by his computer.

Both Sebastian and Rylee answered "doing good" at the same time. They both looked at each other and scrunched their noses.

"The synchronization..." Dr Roberts laughed, "I've talked with married couples heading towards their 50th anniversary that don't mesh like you two always seem to. It's great to see."

"Anywho, all we've gotta do today is get a new X-ray of your leg, check that out, and we should be good to go. How's your leg been holding up? Feeling okay?" Dr. Roberts stood as he talked, leading Sebastian and Rylee down  the hall to the X-ray lab.

"It's been pretty good. No more random pain."

"Good, good. How's PT been?"

"Also pretty good. My buddy Don has been helping me in between visits too which really helps."


"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yeah, he's a good guy. He ran around with my brother growing up. Small world." Dr. Roberts commented as he opened the door to the lab, "Morning John, this is Sebastian and his girlfriend Rylee."

The man he was introducing stepped forward and shook both their hands, nodding hellos as well.

"When you're all done, John will bring you guys back up to the room we started in and we'll talk then. See you soon." Dr Roberts said as he left quickly out the door.

"Alrighty," John said, after looking through Sebastian's file, "let's get started so we can burn that boot, yeah?"

"Please." Sebastian laughed.

About half an hour later, Rylee and Sebastian were back in their original exam room, waiting for Dr. Roberts and trying to be patient.

Sebastian got caught up in his own head about it for a moment. "I feel like this is taking forever. Is this taking forever? What if somethings still fucked up? What i-"

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