112 - No Clowns

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Later that afternoon, Rylee and Sebastian were still curled together under the covers, naked and soaking it in.

Rylee was resting her head on Sebastian's chest, as Sebastian gently played with her hair, running his fingers through it.

"So. I have a thought." Sebastian spoke into the quiet of the bedroom. His sentence quietly echoed across the hardwood floor, bouncing off the walls.

"Hmm?" Rylee hummed questioningly.

"What if...I put together our wedding?"

Rylee lifted her head now, curious.

"Like we'll still do a big thing with everyone like we said. But I have a few things in mind that I'd love to do this week...but...I want to surprise you with it."

Rylee thought it over for a moment, "You know what? Yes. I trust you. Full heartedly. Just. No clowns."

Sebastian laughed heartily, "Ugh fine. I'll have to make a few calls now."

Rylee laughed in return, "But no, really. I trust you."

Sebastian leaned down to kiss Rylee tenderly.

"So, we should probably invite Chris and Lex out for dinner...tell them the news."Rylee said nonchalantly.

"Mmm. Yeah. We probably should huh?Especially since they're going to be our witnesses." Sebastian responded.

Rylee reached over for her phone and texted Alexa.

Ryles 🌻
Dinner, 8, Mastro's?

There was barely a minute before she responded.

Siri 💞
Absolutely. We'll be there.

"Well that was easy enough. But is Lex going to be able to handle this news in a public setting? Seeing as we're keeping it hush hush." Sebastian laughed lightly.

"Probably not, but she'll have to." Rylee responded with a laugh of her own.


Eight o'clock rolled around quickly and Sebastian and Rylee were sitting at their reserved table at Mastro's Steakhouse. Sebastian wearing all black, a pair of black Chelsea boots, black chinos, and a black button down, Rylee in a wine red knee length lace dress with black strappy heels.

They both stood up when they saw Chris and Alexa walk in. Chris, wearing a light blue button down, navy blue dress pants, and brown oxfords, and Alexa wearing a simple sleek black dress with matching black heels.

Everyone hugged, excited to see one another as they eventually took their seats, the boys pulling the girls chairs out for them.

"God, I haven't been here in a long ass time."
Chris said as he briefly looked around the restaurant.

Sebastian nodded as well, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been here.

Their server arrived and took their orders, and brought over the wine that Sebastian and Rylee had ordered before Chris and Alexa had arrived.

They all thanked her before she left and Chris ended the silence first, "So. Mastro's. What's the occasion?" He asked as he took a sip from his glass.

Sebastian and Rylee looked at one another, smiles crawling across their faces, before Sebastian gestured for Rylee to speak.

Rylee took a breath, nervous for a moment before she spoke. What if they thought this was ridiculous? What if- stop. Just say it.

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