47 - Pretty Smart People

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"Alexa. Shit. It's August 12th!" Rylee practically yelled as she looked at the calendar on her phone.


"Seb's birthday is tomorrow!"

"Oh, aw!"

It was Thursday and Alexa and Rylee had been hanging out for the day while the boys were on set.

"There's been so much going on lately I didn't even realize what day it was. What am I gonna do!" Rylee put her head in her hands trying to think.

The girls sat there for a moment and Rylee had an epiphany. "What about a surprise party in the back room of Ruby's?"

Alexa glanced at her with a dumbstruck look. "Why didn't we think of that first! Johnny will totally let you use it!"

Rylee shot Johnny a text, asking him about it.

"Okay, so for now we'll pretend we've got the back room...What's next...Food. I mean people could always buy from the bar..."

"Jills sister has that taco truck! We could get her and park it out back! There's a door from the back room that goes straight out there."

"You're a genius." She looked back down at her phone and texted Jill about it.

"Oh my god. If this all comes together in five minutes I'm gonna lose my shit." Alexa laughed.

Rylee's phone vibrated in her hand and she looked down to read the message she got, "Johnny said yes!"

Rylee laughed in return, "Okay, so people coming. I can get Chris, Anthony, and Hayley to help easy." She made a group text with them to discuss her idea.

Hey y'all. We're on a mission. Sebs birthday is tomorrow and I'm an idiot and didn't realize it was already the 12th. So I need help getting invites out. It's going to be a surprise!

Let's goooo!

Oh my god yes.

Oh hell yes. Who are we thinking.

We're going to have it in the back room at Ruby's and the occupancy limit is 40. So so far we've got us four, Alexa, and I want to for sure get Don there too. Other than that, have at it!

I have Dons number I'll reach out to him. We also get out earlier tomorrow. Which is perfect. I think we're going to be done at like 7.

We're all here today so we'll have a secret meeting and decide who's on the list.

If you guys are done around 7, well make the party for around 8! Don't forget it's a secret 🤫

✨ S E C R E T ✨

😂 you guys are the best. Keep me updated!

"Alright. Those three are already on it. Hopefully they don't act too suspicious." Rylee chuckled.

"I trust Hayley. It's Chris and Anthony I'm worried about." Alexa laughed heartily.

Rylee's phone buzzed again in her hand.

Just called her and she's free all day tomorrow! When do you want her? And where?

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