34 - The Next Morning

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Please proceed with caution.
TW: physical, mental, and emotional abuse, choking


Sebastian woke naturally with the sun shining into the bedroom. He made a mental note, yet again, to buy curtains that actually blocked the sun, to replace these cheap ones he has had for half a decade.

He unwrapped himself from Rylee's grasp and stood up from the bed. He bent back down to push her hair out of her eyes and placed a kiss on her forehead. She sighed into his touch but stayed asleep.

He straightened back up, stretching his arms above his head, cracking his back as he did so. He chugged along through his usual morning routine.
Teeth. Shower. Change. Breakfast.
The same drill everyday. It was a relief to him to keep the same routine. It helped him start his day off right.

As he exited the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, he drifted to the "change" portion of his routine. He checked in on Rylee, not shocked in the slightest to see that she was still very much asleep, now grasping and cuddling his pillow where he had just been laying 10 minutes earlier.

He turned towards his dresser, running his hand through his wet hair, deciding to put on a pair of boxer briefs and black sweatpants, choosing to forego a shirt while he finished drying his hair with his towel on the way to the kitchen.

He tossed his towel across a stool at the kitchen bar and padded over to the fridge, deciding what to make him and Rylee for breakfast, quickly choosing to make omelettes as he grabbed eggs, sausage, and peppers from the fridge. As he turned on his Spotify and got to work, he heard small footsteps tramping across the hall towards the bathroom. The shower then turned on. He was surprised she was already awake. It was only 8:00. But he still took this as his cue to start a pot of coffee.

He had just finished chopping the peppers and sausage into smaller pieces, now pouring the whisked eggs into the pan when he heard the shower stop and the door open. He let her continue her morning routine in silence. Ry was not much of a morning person, so he knew to give her time to really wake up. He turned towards the coffeemaker and poured himself a cup, turning back around to the fridge to grab some oat milk to pour in. He took a sip, feeling the coffee soak into his tired bones. He continued on with his breakfast mission, occasionally sipping at his mug.

By the time he had added in all of his other ingredients to the eggs and folded the first omelette in half, he heard her footsteps come down the hall towards the kitchen. He looked up stifling a smirk at her appearance. She had a whole drawer of clothes here but she still chose to come out wearing one of his black t-shirts and a pair of shorts, as well as her black framed glasses, hair pulled into a messy bun. God, she was beautiful.

He made sure to say so as he greeted her, "Good morning, beautiful." He stopped what he was doing to grab her favorite coffee mug (the one Anthony had made for him as a joke gift with a variety of the stupid faces Sebastian always makes all hodgepodged together), filled it with coffee and way too much creamer for any one human to consume in one cup (but that's how she liked it), and slid it her way across the bar, offering up a kiss as well.

She rolled her eyes at him but accepted his kiss. She sat crisscross on one of the kitchen stools and laid her head down on the counter, hiding her blush and the smirk on her lips. "Morning, Seb." She then sat up and took a sip of the coffee. It was perfect.

They stayed together in the kitchen, no other words spoken, a comfortable silence. Sebastian continued onto the second omelette as they listened to the Spotify playlist continue on, drifting from 'Call Me' by Blondie easily into 'Hungry Eyes' by Eric Carmen. She let out a giggle as she knew this was Seb's go to karaoke song. And of course he didn't disappoint as he began singing into his spatula, thrusting his hips to the beat, and throwing on a pair of sunglasses he must have found on the counter.

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