18 - The Last Mission

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Sebastian was surprised to see almost all the major MCU cast and crew when he arrived. He knew of a bunch coming but not almost everyone. He joined the clamor of the room, greeting everyone he walked by. It was so absurd to see so many people in one place. The last time this happened they had been filming the final scenes for End Game. After half an hour or so of mingling, everyone found their spots with their name cards  at the tables, all laid out into a giant square, with all the seats facing into the middle so everyone could see each other.

A camera was set up in each corner of the room, recording for later, so all the people in the room slowly introduced themselves and their character, each person earning applause afterwards. Sebastian was sat next to Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell. He always loved hanging out with Hayley. She was hilarious and always played constant pranks on Chris during filming. He made small talk with Hayley when he first sat down, chatting about what's been going on in their lives since they haven't seen each other in a while.

Kevin stood up after everyone was introduced and said "Alright everyone, this is our first table read of "Captain America:  The Last Mission." Everyone clapped, hooted, and hollered. This movie is supposed to be following Captain America as he returns the infinity stones. Sebastian had been surprised when his agent told him about this script coming to him in the mail. He was especially surprised with how much of the script he was actually in. They had heard whisperings that this might actually be made into a movie but now it was really happening and the idea sounded amazing.

Over the next four or so hours, the entire MCU team worked together to read through the script to get an idea of what was to come. It was around 8:00 when Chris said the last line of dialogue in a curious, relieved tone, "Peggy?" And the script came to a close. Everyone clapped once again, many wiping away stray tears, Marvel achieving yet another feat of greatness.
Kevin stood up again to talk with everyone in the room, beginning to cover details about the shooting schedules that would start the next day.

After he dismissed them all, most of the room stayed and continued to mingle. Word also quickly went around that the crew rented out a bar across the street where there would be dinner and an after party. The boisterous crowd slowly died down as everyone made their way across the street to meet right back up again at the bar.

Sebastian wanted to keep Rylee updated so she didn't worry, since he had said he would let her know where the night ends up. He took out his phone and saw he had a missed message.

Hey handsome
Hope you're having a good time ☺️

Hey beautiful
We just got done with our read, It went really well!
There's an after party at O'Henry's if you'd want to come join

Aw I would've loved to but I got suckered into a partial shift at work
I'm stuck here till midnight.
But have fun!

Aw that's a bummer
Chris says hi by the way

Did you tell them we're together yet?

No not yet
I was afraid Mackie would stand on a table and shout from the rooftops
I'll probably tell them after the nights over

Haha yeah we don't need all of the city knowing yet huh
Well have fun and drink one for me. 🍺

Will do
Have a good night

Sebastian put his phone back into his back pocket, but not before Chris swooped in, leaning on the bar next to him asking how Rylee was.

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