106 - Outer Space

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The rest of the week passed simply, and Sunday rolled in smoothly. Rylee spent her time doing her usual routine as the time flew by. Work, the gym, out to Round Corner Cafe, talking with Sebastian whenever she could, visiting with Alexa, who returned a few days ago.

Rylee was on FaceTime with Sebastian during his lunch break, and it was still so weird to see him looking like Tommy Lee in his spare time. Riddled with tattoos, piercings, and that long black hair and soul patch. It was everything Sebastian normally wasn't, so FaceTime was always so strange.

"So... what's on your mind?" Sebastian said through a mouth full of whatever catered food he had snatched up before he went off to his trailer to hang out on the phone with her.

"Hmm?" Rylee asked, not quite hearing his question as she was lost in her thoughts.

"What's got you in outer space?"

"Well...I'm supposed to be seeing Justin again tomorrow."

Sebastian waited for her to continue patiently.

"He asked if we had a wedding date in mind, and I mentioned that we were waiting to talk about it."

"Mhmm." Sebastian agreed, still listening carefully as he ate.

"But then he asked if I was just afraid to talk about wedding stuff because 'something good is happening to me and I don't want it to get screwed up.'"

"Do you agree?" Sebastian asked curiously, holding his fork still for a moment, food still speared on it.

"Mm. Honestly, yes? Maybe.."


"I don't know. Over time, Justin's helped me come to terms with the fact that a large chunk of my life was controlled by someone else and I felt like I deserved it. And I know we've been together over a year, but it's not something I can just forget you know? I lived it a long time."

Sebastian nodded in understanding.

"I mean like..if we could, god, I'd get married to you like, yesterday, but I figured it didn't make sense to talk about it over the phone. But then Justin basically said why not...and made us talking about it my homework."

"Oh, I get to be your homework..does that mean you're gonna do me?" Sebastian said with a stupid smirk, trying to lighten the conversation.

"Oh my god. Never mind. What wedding?" Rylee joked.

"Seriously though, we can talk about it...I know the phone isn't exactly the best, but god, I would absolutely be married to you like yesterday too."

Rylees cheeks flushed at his comment, "Alright. Well. Where to start."

"Well how about we start out simple. Do you wanna do a big or small wedding?" Sebastian asked curiously, still taking bites of his lunch.

Rylee thought about it for half a second before she said "Small. For sure. Like...really small."

"Totally on the same page. I'm so okay with it being really small."

"When do we want to have it?" Rylee asked in return.

Sebastian and Rylee thought about it together out loud, bouncing ideas off one another.

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