103 - Pineapple Salsa

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When Rylee woke up the next day, she didn't remember coming home or climbing into bed, but here she was.

The light streaming in through the windows was not helping her pounding headache, she could barely open her eyes.

Before she dove back under the covers she saw a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water sitting on the bedside table along with a note.

Morning love,
I'm so sorry I couldn't be home when you woke up. They scheduled a last minute meeting this morning. I'll be back around 11.
I love you

Rylee popped a few pills into her mouth and took a long drink of water, feeling how dehydrated she really was at that moment.

She grabbed her phone and dimmed the brightness as low as possible. She pulled the covers back over her head and scrolled back through her texts from last night.

Seb 😍
Hey baby, almost done here.
They wanted to hang after but I'd rather get home to you
See you in a bit ❤️
Read 11:58 PM

Ryles ❤️
Read 11:59 PM

Seb 😍
Miss you too baby, I'll be home soon.
About to finish up.
Read 12:00 AM

Ryles ❤️
Imnot home
Read 12:01 AM

Seb 😍
Oh? Watcha doing?
Read 12:01 AM

Ryles ❤️
Ima t Teddys in Brookln
Read 12:01 AM

Seb 😍
Who's Teddy?
Read 12:02 AM

Ryles ❤️
Yah know I don know inshould ask
Read 12:02 AM

Seb 😍
Ryles what's going on?
Read 12:10 AM

Ryles ❤️
Mke keeps touchhing me
Markkeeps touching me
Read 12:10 AM

Seb 😍
I'm gonna come pick you up, okay?
I'm only three blocks away.
Sit tight.
Read 10:18 AM


Ryles 🌻
I missyou come home pleaseee
Mark wontt leave
Or mike

Siri 💞
Girl. You are drunk off your ass and I love you. I don't know who Mark is though?
Be safe, I love you. Call me in the morning so I know you aren't dead.

Rylee couldn't recall sending any of the texts she was reading now, but they were making her sick to her stomach.

She remembered quick flashes of what happened last night. Sitting at the bar, completely fucked up, and that guy came up...bought her drinks...touched her.

She shut off her phone and curled up inside the covers, trying to hide from the memories. She wasn't sure how long she stayed there before she heard Sebastian's voice and a soft knock on the side table next to the bed.

"Knock knock."

Rylee scooted back and lifted up the covers, ushering Sebastian into the warmth beside her.

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