108 - Migration

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Rylee woke up feeling off. Her left arm was sore and she had a killer headache. She rolled out of bed delicately and padded her way to the bathroom popping a few ibuprofen.

She was more confused about her arm. She couldn't remember running into anything...and there wasn't a bruise. She touched it lightly, feeling around for any soreness and that's when her heart sank to her toes.

She couldn't feel her birth control implant. It was placed inside her upper arm and was to remain there for around three years according to her doctor. But, she couldn't feel it. She poked around a little bit more, practically making it sore herself from the prodding, but she still couldn't find it.

She pulled down the lid of the toilet and sat down, trying to stem her panic, but of course she went right to google to try to find some kind of solution. Implant migration being the first hit from her search, a webMD result that she clicked on and skimmed.

'Implant migration.' It was very rare but possible. This was when the implant may have been inserted improperly and the piece could drift through the body. She read further down the article and even clicked into a few others just to be sure.

They all suggested going to your doctor immediately as the implant could potentially end up lodged in other areas such as veins or your lungs. She had to close out all her searches so she didn't start spiraling into panic mode.

She gently poked and prodded at her arm again, just to make sure and, unsurprised, she still couldn't feel it. She quickly called her doctor and got an appointment for 2 o'clock that afternoon. She had three hours to kill, trying not to be nervous or lose her mind thinking too hard about it.

Her next thought was to call Sebastian. She was trying not to panic, and she hoped he'd be able to help. Her hands were shaking as she called him, bouncing her leg as she sat on the covered toilet, trying to get any of her feelings out any way she could.

The phone rang through 4...5...6 times before his voicemail answered.

"Hi, you've reached Sebastian, pleas—"

Rylee ended the call and quickly stood up, making her way downstairs to the living room and laid on the couch. It'll be fine. I will be fine. It's all gonna be fi—

Her phone rang in her hand, causing her to jump. Sebastian's face filled the screen and she immediately answered.


"Hey, sorry I couldn't get to my phone fast enough before the voicemail picked up. What's up?"

Rylee couldn't think of anything else so she got straight to the point, "I, um, I can't find my implant."

"That's...weird? I didn't think it could move?"

"Apparently it's rare but possible. And I was looking it up and if it gets lost it could end up in your lungs...or your heart..or—"

"Ryles. It'll be okay." Sebastian stated rather quickly, hearing the breathlessness in her voice. He could tell that she was really deep in her thoughts over it and tried to help bring her back.

Rylee stopped herself, clenching her hand, her nails digging into her palm. She nodded but realized he couldn't see her, "yeah.....yeah it'll be fine."

"Did you call the doctor?"

"Yeah...I have an appointment for 2."

"Okay...just...don't go googling it anymore..okay? No need to add to your stress, right?"

"Right." Rylees hands still shook slightly, but she had at least unclenched her fist.

"Other than not being able to feel it, do you feel okay?"

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